Corn with Mayo, Paprika, and Parmesan Cheese & Kids who are blinding themselves senselessly!

My friends.I’d like to tell you a story.A Christmas Story.A story about love, patience, and a yelling screaming lady.Oh.And a blind kid. Around these parts (my house) when dusk hits,…

Thanksgiving Treat! 10 minute Side Dish and a Movie! Sauteed Carrots with Hazelnuts and Brown Sugar and Silver Linings Playbook~

I keep telling myself that crazy isn’t all bad.When I’m crying while making Macaroni and Cheese for Thanksgiving Dinner, I think. . . .. .I’m not that abnormal. Not that,…

Very Berry Muffins & Blogging for a Cure: The Best Friends Guide to Breast Cancer by Sonja L. Faulkner, Ph. D

I try not to, but sometimes horrible thoughts come into my head.I think of my maternal grandmother and of my cousin Andy, and I shiver. My girls. I think.My four…