Last Minute Gifts! A BOOK FOR THE COOK. . . .My new fave Cookbook List!
Not So Humble Pies ( An Iconic Dessert, All Dressed Up) by Kelly JaggersPIE. It is the beginning and the end for me. An entire book dedicated to pies that are…
Not So Humble Pies ( An Iconic Dessert, All Dressed Up) by Kelly JaggersPIE. It is the beginning and the end for me. An entire book dedicated to pies that are…
We were driving 50 mph on the interstate accelerating . . . . . .30 mph, 40 mph, 50 mph. And then nothing.The car just stopped.There was this low thud.…
My friends.I’d like to tell you a story.A Christmas Story.A story about love, patience, and a yelling screaming lady.Oh.And a blind kid. Around these parts (my house) when dusk hits,…
Me: look, I’m not your Secretary. Stop sending me things half a**ed.Him: I told you I sent the Christmas list earlier today to your hotmail address.Me: No. You said you…
I keep telling myself that crazy isn’t all bad.When I’m crying while making Macaroni and Cheese for Thanksgiving Dinner, I think. . . .. .I’m not that abnormal. Not that,…
Early morning. The clouds are low. The sky is a hazy steel gray. 7:34 am. I’m driving Shelbi to school. She’s 12 now. She proudly sits in the passenger seat…
[Don’t forget to enter My Redwood Hill Farm Dairy Giveaway!] Yesterday I yelled at my kid for being too excited for Halloween. I know what your thinking. No, I didn’t…
{Winner announced below}I’m just going to say “I’m sorry” before I begin.Then you can say “Thank you,” when I’m all done.With the blogging time I have today, I have to make…
Pre-teens are weierd.My 11 year old pre-teen is weird.I’m weird too.But not quite as weird as her.Which, honestly.Has me slightly envious.Because, I love the weird.The misunderstanding that lurks behind the…
I try not to, but sometimes horrible thoughts come into my head.I think of my maternal grandmother and of my cousin Andy, and I shiver. My girls. I think.My four…