Sweet Potato Casserole

Me:  look, I’m not your Secretary. Stop sending me things half a**ed.

Him:  I told you I sent the Christmas list earlier today to your hotmail address.

Me:  No. You said you thought you sent them. And that you couldn’t find them in your outbox. And that you needed to look for them further.

Him:  No. I said I found them. 2 hours ago. . .when I sent them.

Me:  Well. I’m not your secretary. And that is not what you said. And anyway, I don’t know why you keep sending me stuff and telling me to do ‘this and that’ like I’m your secretary. I’m not! These are your Christmas cards too! You can just do it yourself.

Him:  Well. I’m not your child abuse advocate, beat me up, punching bag, gonna blame it all on me person. So there. I sent it. You can do it yourself.

La la la la la la la la.
Merry Christmas.
Love The Woos.

– – – – – – – – – – – –

Not off to a good start.
The Christmas lights are up.
No Christmas decorations in the house yet.
The Christmas Cards did not go out again today.
We just can’t get it together.

But. . . .
I did get some fun deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
My mom will be here on Dec. 21st! And I’m counting the days.
The weather is getting colder, if only by a few degrees.

And well, I love it all.
Even the arguing.
Because it wouldn’t be Christmas without a little Bah humbug.

Here’s a recipe that will surely take the bugs out of your bah and just make you hum.
A pretty little melody. . . . .
My newly famous Sweet Potato Casserole.

Not too Sweet, quite fluffy, a little crunchy and  totally divine.

Based off of the casserole my sweet uncle always makes for holidays. Though he didn’t give me the recipe. . .curses!. . . .this is what I came up with after crying when I found out he wouldn’t be with us for Thanksgiving dinner this year.

This is totes the silver lining in that cloud.
You can bet this beauty will be showing up for our Christmas Dinner too.

My Soon To Be Famous Sweet Potato Casserole


8 cups mashed sweet potatoes, roasted in the oven
Olive oil (for roasting sweet potatoes)
14 oz. Fat free condensed milk
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place potatoes on top. Drizzle with olive oil and rub into the flesh. Place in oven and roast until the potatoes are completely soft and the skin starts to wrinkle. Approximately 1 hour (but check them because roasting time really depends on their size.)

2. Remove potatoes from oven,  and lower the oven heat to 350 degrees. When cool enough to handle, remove skin from the potatoes and mash into a large bowl.

3. To the potatoes add, condensed milk, butter, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg.  Beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Pour into greased casserole dish (13 X 9 inch pan).

4. Make topping by mixing remaining ingredients together with a fork (brown sugar, butter, flour, walnuts).  Sprinkle over top of casserole. Bake until the topping is light brown, crispy and bubbly (about 25 to 30 minutes.) Serve Warm.

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