10 Minute French Sub Sandwich! Buttered Baguette w/ Salami Peppered Turkey, Provolone and Fresh Spinach

Unfortunately, I first saw this beauty in Clear Lake, TX. . .not Paris, France like I’m sure your assuming.

And while Clear Lake is no Paris, it is also called Space City and we have Astronauts, so it’s OUT OF THIS WORLD too.

And if you play your cards right, you can totally pack a picnic lunch, find a spot on the Space Center lawn and eat your buttered Baguette Sandwich (pronounced SAND-WEECH like all proper fancy people) with peppered turkey, provolone, and hard salami, and know that you are just as ostentacious as any classy Parisian.

Just don’t wear your beiret.

That might be weird.

WANT TO SEE ME MAKING THIS SAMMIE AND SMOOTHIE LICKETY SPLIT? Watch my YOUTUBE video here. . .or mosey on down for the recipe in black and white. . .

10 Minute French Sub Sandwich! Buttered Baguette w/ Salami Peppered Turkey, Provolone and Fresh Spinach

If ever I had a super power, the ability to make a KILLER sandwich, would be it. This IS DEFINITELY one of my finest, and it comes together quite simply. The only condiment used is butter, and honestly no more is needed. Peppered Turkey is not a must, but adds a subtle surprise to the mellow and salty flavors that abound. Try it out. You’ll be wearing a beret faster than a Cowboy can saddle his horse. Which isn’t really that fast, because you really want to make sure you saddle your horse properly, or you’ll fall off.


  • 1 Baguette
  • Butter
  • Hard Salami
  • Peppered Turkey Deli Meat, sliced thinly
  • Provolone Cheese Slices
  • Fresh Spinach Leaves, ootional
  1. Slice baguette in half, lengthwise.
  2. Generously butter both inner sides.
  3. Begin by layering cheese over the buttered bottom half of the baguette. Top with salami, folded in half. On top of the salami, make a layer of turkey meat , folded in ribbons. Top with a handful of spinach, if using.
  4. Cut into manageable single serve baguette sandwiches. Wrap for later, or serve immediately. These sandwiches keep well in the fridge for days!

Interested in that beautiful Strawberry Smoothie you see pictured? Find my Simply Strawberry Smoothie Recipe HERE!

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