Pepitas! and Homemade Lalaloopsy Vampire Costume

[Don’t forget to enter My Redwood Hill Farm Dairy Giveaway!]

Yesterday I yelled at my kid for being too excited for Halloween.

I know what your thinking.
No, I didn’t really yell. I just raised my voice.
But no. I yelled. LOUD.

Something like.
“I’m so tired i don’t know what to do and you people wont ever leave me alone! and i guess i’ll let you try on your costume if you would just give me a moments peace. so just go try it on and try not to say anything . NO TALKING. NO TALKING. I can’t hear myself think!!! or think myself hear. and i don’t even know if i even bought you a costume. what is your name? just put this on, and we’ll hope for the best. STOP YELLING MY NAME. DON’T SAY MOMMY. you are no longer allowed to say mommy. Does it fit?Oh. That looks better than I thought. Stop humming!!! Stop mumbling. NO! I’m not announcing to the family by bugle that Soledad the Lalaloopsy Vampire is here. I DON’T CARE THAT I DID IT FOR YOUR SISTER. THAT WAS DIFFERENT. I HAD A BRAIN THEN. Fine. I guess I will. Where is that bugle?”

I couldn’t find the bugle.
But I did do this weird vibrating thing with my lips, and announce ” SOLEDAD!!! THE VAMPIRE LALALOOPSY!!!”

And her 8 year old and 3 year old sisters were amazed.
Her 12 year old sister thought she looked weird.
Which I think was a compliment because she smiled a lot.

Poor, poor Soli.
Admonished for her excitement on this, yet another Halloween wonderful day.
I later apologized.
She forgave me.
She always does.

*to get Soledad’s look. . . .colorful wig (Party City), head band, clip on hair bow,  baby doll dress, Striped long socks, high top tennis, apron, make-up from LalaLoopsy Post, and Halloween Blood on side of mouth, plastic fangs.
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Soledad wrote me a note the other day.
It read . . .

Dear Mommy,

I love you. You’re the best cook in the wurld. I love you because you make good food. Can we have Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner. I loved that stuff.


Later that day, we had leftover Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner. She did not touch it. She said she did not like it. I told her I was the best cook in the WURLD. She looked at me like I was crazy.

She later apologized.
I later accepted her apology.

But. . . . . . when I made these bad boys. . . . . slow roasted pumpkin seeds (Pepitas!), she ate them up lickity split. And I didn’t have to remind her that I am the best cook in the wurld. She already knew.

Pepitas! (Slow Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. . . .Yum!!!)


Pumpkins Seeds
Olive or Canola Oil
Kosher Salt
Parchment Paper


1. Clean the majority of the pumpkin goo off the seeds (I like to soak them in water and then remove the goo.)

2. Let seeds dry out. (Either lay them on a towel and blot until dry, or just let them set out a few hours or overnight on a cookie sheet).

3. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

4. Lay seeds out on a parchment lined cookie sheet.  Drizzle with olive or canola oil. Sprinkle generously with salt.

Cook for 1 hour or until golden brown. Eat up! If you have any left over, store in an airtight container.

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