Anarchist Granola and/or Cookies
My husband thinks I’m staging a rebellion.A coup of sorts.One that will resort to a state of Anarchism. Total lack of governing bodies. The governing bodies that govern Halloween, Halloween Decor and…
My husband thinks I’m staging a rebellion.A coup of sorts.One that will resort to a state of Anarchism. Total lack of governing bodies. The governing bodies that govern Halloween, Halloween Decor and…
I apologize. My mind has been a little pre-occuppied lately.And not about what you think.About other things. About scary things. Spooky things. Things with magical and creepiful powers.And quite frankly,…
Remember when I started painting my little girls’ bathroom? I was all gung ho, excited and happy-like. That was 2 months ago, and I haven’t been able to show you…
Update On My Dad’s Heart Transplant Recovery:Well folks, all your kind words, positive energy and loving prayers seem to be working WELL. My Pops is well on his way to…
What I said:Dear Principal:It has come to our attention that our daughter Soledad Woodard, a kindergartner at XXXXXXElementary, is being bullied by a boy named XXXXX(second grader) on the bus…
I don’t know how she does it.No, seriously. I really don’t know how she does it.I just spent the last 5 minutes sprinting down my street with my hair in a…
Hi.I’m back.I know it’s been awhile. But, ummm, I’m sure you forgive me. I’m back in Houston with my children and my husband, and my dad is still sick, but…
I walked into the night, opened the car door, sat down and shut the door. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to stay. I had a headache and…
As I type this, my dad lays on the operating table in Miami.Surgery just finished. Today he received a brand new heart. It was beating fast and furious. Strong, regular beats.…
I suppose there are a lot of reasons why urine could be on your carpet.Like maybe, you were working in Washington DC, and your cousin came by to visit. Then,…