12 Fun Halloween Decorations For Your Yard. . .that you can do in a day.



I’m busy working over here.

PLEASE EXCUSE ME if my absolute favorite holiday is arriving in EXACTLY 31 days and I have yet to get started on the fright.

I won’t be gabbing in your ear so much today, because I’m busy working out the details on how to scare my kids senseless.

Not the kind of scary where eyeballs pop out of my head.

I’m classier than that.

The type of scary that keeps you constantly looking over your shoulder.. .

and seeing strange lights. . .

and hearing weird noises.


Lots to do.

Come back daily to see what I’m up to.

Until then check out 13 of my fave outdoor crafts that I’ve done over the years.


Honey! Someone’s at the Door!  Severed Finger Doorbell!



Someone get the bug spray. There is a giant spider in the yard.



Garage Silhouette. Beautiful and Spooky.



Buried Witch Topiary. Somebody had a bad day.



Giant Witch Hats. I don’t think I want to see the size of the pimples on that face.



Creepy Bird Silhouettes. What kind of pets do those Woo’s have?



Sinister Subjects. I don’t even want to know.


front porch



Front Porch sign. Who’s got your back?


Mossy Halloween Wreath. Halloween at it’s classiest.


Snake Wreath. Ick. Halloween at its worst/best.


yard witch


Yard Witch. This chic looks real.

Giant Centipede. Neighbor boy. .  .its coming to eat you. And you know why.


Crow on Branch. CREEP-EEE. I’m not sure if I ever rememebered to blog about this. But its pretty basic. Tree branch spray painted black, put in a flower pot, with dollars store crows.


Cat Eyes. All my neighbors love these.

And tomorrow, will be the start of our spookiest Halloween eeeevvveeeerrrrrr!!!!! BWAAAHHHAAAHHHHAAAAAAA!



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