LOW-FAT BUTTERSCOTCH BLONDIES, & A Cookie Lover’s Cookbook Giveaway!

{Winner announced below. . ..}Notice anything different around here?Yup.It’s a New Year.And I’ve got a new philosophy.I’d like a smaller buttocks.And a snazzier looking house.AND a classier looking blog.I started…

Very Berry Muffins & Blogging for a Cure: The Best Friends Guide to Breast Cancer by Sonja L. Faulkner, Ph. D

I try not to, but sometimes horrible thoughts come into my head.I think of my maternal grandmother and of my cousin Andy, and I shiver. My girls. I think.My four…

Cinnamon Streusal Muffins, Baking Basics and Beyond GIVEAWAY, and Texting with Love. . . .

Nana just got an iPhone.She loves it.I love it.She has a Words with Friends Game (similar to scrabble) going on with EVERY member of my family. Except Phoebe, and as soon…

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