Firework Brownies: Easy Blonde Brownies with Sprinkles (made with cake mix!)

The other day Bella took some photo albums off the shelf and sat on the couch to peruse.
Little Phoebe climbed up the couch and onto her sisters lap and settled in for the stories of all the wonderful times we’ve had.

“And this is the time when you had a birthday party at the zoo. . . .Oh! and remember when you got that fantastic doll for Christmas? And this is the time when you went to Disneyland? Remember that?”

“I went to Disneyland? I went to the zoo?  I’m the baby! I’m the baby! I’m so cute!!!” Feebs jubilantly replies.

What? Hold up. That kid has never been to Disneyland. NOR has she had a party at the zoo. I don’t think she’s ever even gotten a fantastic doll for Christmas.

“Bella what are you talking about? Phoebe didn’t have a party at the zoo, and she’s never been to Disneyland.”

Bella smiles at me very politely, leans over and kisses her sister. Gets up from the couch, and whispers into my ear.  “I know that. And you know that. But Phoebe doesn’t know that. I just tell her that because she’s not in any of the photo albums and it makes her feel bad not to see any pictures of herself. So anytime there is a baby in the picture, I just say its her.”


“Don’t worry Mommy. She’ll never know the truth.”

Uuuuuh. She’ll never know until she grows up and hates the crap out of me because I forgot to chronicle her life in albums like I did with her sisters.

She’ll grow up calling me Mommy Dearest and telling her friends mothers what a horrible wretch I am.

She’ll never know how incredibly cute she was, and that SHE ALWAYS has some sort of sticky confection mess on her face.

Or that she always was either hitting or kissing someone. And that although it is true she has never been to Disneyland she’s gone to the pool and the beach at least a million times and approximately 500,000 softball games where I have purchased her a Push Pop at EACH. AND. EVERY. ONE.

Oh Feebs. Mommy is so sorry.
I’m working on remedying the situation, right now.
I’m making your very own book, and Bella is going to put it together for you because well. . . .she was the one who knew how much this meant to you. And she is the one who deserves to get all the glory.

Look kid.
We all love you.
And this family isn’t perfect. But we try. Real hard. So on this 3rd birthday try not to be too hard on us.
You are the center of our universe.
As well it should be.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Look! See! Pictures!
I do take them!
I just don’t print them out.

And looky here.  A picture of Feebs having fun during the Fourth. Proof! I am an acceptable mother! I am an acceptable mother!

What a relief.
Now let’s eat.

Firework Brownies: Easy Blonde Brownies with Sprinkles. (made from cake mix)
I made these for our picnic dinner on the Fourth of July. They were SUPER easy and quite marvelous. They taste a lot like a White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie, minus the nuts. Though. . . .I think I may add some next time. Any soft nut would do. . .pine nuts, macadamia, walnuts. . . But for the Fourth, or New Years Eve, or A BIRTHDAY PARTY for a certain 3 year old. . . .Sprinkles are a must!  They come out rich, thick and chewy. . . .a confection lovers dream.


1 box yellow cake mix
1/4 cup rainbow sprinkles
1/2 cup white chocolate chips (optional)
1/4 cup canola oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 – 1/2 cup milk*


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Greased baking pan (8×8 or the like).  I lined my with parchment paper so that the brownies just popped! right out.
2. Into a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix, sprinkles, and white chocolate chips.  Add the oil, egg and milk and mix well.* Pour into your prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. 

The mixture will be dense, and soft in the center.  Don’t worry. Just let it cool for about 20 minutes so that the center sets. The end result. . .a dense decadent chewy lovely luscious treat. Mmmmmmm.

*Add the milk slowly. You may only need 1/4 cup, but I used slightly more. The mixture should be thick and dense, but not so thick that you have trouble spreading it into the pan.