Warm Peanut Butter & Jelly with Fresh Fruit Quesadilla

Look, it’s been a bit of week for me when it comes to parenting. I keep looking around and wondering, when is the freaking adult going to get here and sort things out? Who in the world put ME IN CHARGE? They need to be fired.

This is usually how it goes at my house.

Child has a problem.

I know how to fix it, so I tell child “DO THIS. It will fix it.”

Child rolls eyes at me, and does the opposite. All hell breaks loose.

I offer them a coffee and a warm pastry.

It might not be the traditional way of parenting, but it is one way of doing it. I’m not that much of a mess, am I???

I’m fun, I know how to do stuff, and let’s face it. . .even if you think I’m a sorry excuse for a human being, I make really good sandwiches, which has got to be good for something.

And for all my faults, the sandwich making capability is a really good quality. I feel like you could forgive the “offering coffee to an 11 year old” quality in lieu of this one. And QUESADILLAS are definitely a sandwich.

The Sandwich Queen

And since I have OFFICIALLY dubbed myself Sandwich Queen, I’d like to introduce you to a lovely addition to our lunch box repertoire. The warm peanut butter and jelly with fresh fruit quesadilla on buttery, slightly crisp flour tortilla, cooked to a golden brown. If you , like me, struggle with your parenting capabilities, just stop parenting right now. Make this quesadilla, hand it to your child, and you’re golden. Maybe add a cup of coffee for good measure.

Your welcome for the tip.

Want to see how it all came together real time? Check out my Youtube video here. . .or keep scrolling for the recipe.

Warm Peanut Butter & Jelly with Fresh Fruit Quesadilla Protein Box Lunch

This quesadilla was sent to school this week in a Protein Box Medley. Served with a lovely array of sides including sliced apple, carrots and ranch dressing, sliced cheese, and a boiled egg. Everything you need to fill your belly and satiate your soul.

Ingredients: (per 1 quesadilla)

  • 2 Tortillas (I used Low Carb)
  • 4 TB Peanut Butter
  • 2 TB Strawberry Preserves
  • Fresh Strawberries, sliced
  • 1 TB butter


  1. Onto one side of each tortilla evenly spread 2 TB of peanut butter.
  2. On only one of those peanut butter tortillas, smear 1-2 TB of strawberry preserves.
  3. Place thinly sliced strawberries on top of the strawberry preserves. Cover with the other tortilla so that the clean sides are facing outward, and the peanut butter, preserves, and strawberries are sandwiched in between.
  4. Onto a non-stick skillet, add 1 TB butter, and melt on medium heat. Once the butter is melted, gently place uncooked quesadilla onto the skillet, and cook until crisp and golden on the bottom. Flip and cook the other side. Sit on cooling rack for 5 minutes, cut and serve warm!

*When making my personal pb&j quesadilla, I added extra crushed peanuts, nestled inside. OMG. It was AMAZING. But my kids don’t like crunchy peanut butter, so they lost out on the crunchy goodness.

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