Easy Spinach and Chicken Quesadillas

Soledad (4):  Mommy I don’t want to ever leave the earth.

Me:  What do you mean? You don’t want to die?

Soledad:  Yeah. I don’t want to die.

Me:  Well good.  Cause you won’t ever. 

Soledad :  Huh?

Me:   Your spirit will never die.  Your soul, your you.  It will live forever and ever.  Only your hands and feet and hair and skin will die. Well not your hair.  Your hair is already dead. Understand?

Soledad:  Well. . . . I’d like to have my hands and feet.

Me:   Oh, you don’t really need them.  Their like your  jacket.  You don’t want to keep your red jacket forever, do you?

Soledad: Well, maybe.

Me: Trust me.  You won’t need it.  You’re going to outgrow it.  Just like your hands and feet, and skin.  One day, you’ll be happy to leave them behind.

Soledad:   Okay, if you say so.

Geez. Hope I’m right.  Maybe I should have said she’ll get a new set of appendages in heaven. And if she finds she needs a jacket, I’m sure Jesus has extra.

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Speaking of dying, you probably don’t want to do that before trying these.

They’re so good, and so easy, and you probably have everything you need to make them.

You might not even need your hands and feet.

They are that easy.

You could probably even make them if you were dead,

but there is the problem of not technically being hungry when your dead, so probably aught to go ahead and make them now.

Spinach and Chicken Quesadillas


Chicken, cooked and cut into bite sized pieces (try a already cooked Rotisserie Chicken or Fajita Meat found in the freezer section)
8 Tortillas
1 1/2 cups shredded Colby Jack Cheese
4 cups Baby Spinach, chopped
Cooking Spray
Sour Cream


1.  In a medium bowl, combine chicken, spinach and cheese.  Set aside.

2. Spray  your skillet with cooking spray. Heat skillet to medium high. Place one tortilla in the skillet, top with desired amount of chicken/spinach mixture, and top with another tortilla. Cook for about 3 minutes or until bottom tortilla is crisp. Flip over.

3.  Cook  for another 3 minutes or until cheese is melted and the other side is crisp and slightly browned. Let cool slightly, cut into wedges and serve with salsa, sour cream and guacamole.

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5 thoughts on “Easy Spinach and Chicken Quesadillas

  1. Looks great, and I’d love to sneak the veggies on my husband. Quesadillas are a pain with 3 big eaters, plus 3 not as big ones. I need a big griddle for that.

  2. Those are such good answers to her big ponderings! And the quesadillas look super yummy!

  3. Oh my gosh, they look absolutely delicious! I am going to bookmark this recipe and save it.

    Gods speed with your conversations about dying! I have got the same thing with Izzy and it is hard as anything to answer their questions 😉

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