Easy Vegan Buddha Bowl with Soy Beans, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Sun dried Tomatoes

To me, this is the perfect salad to start out the new year.

I love a good salad, but I can get into a mixed green rut. Putting ranch dressing on everything and adding all the usuals. . .boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, carrot. . .yada yada yada.

But not today! I’ve loaded this salad up with hearty veggies that aren’t normal things that I buy, but are delightfully yummy change up to the old routine! I’ll be taking notes and adding these things to my grocery list from now on.

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what interesting things you add to your salad to jazz up the ordinary!

Want the see the YouTube Version? Click Below. . .for the written out version, keep scrolling:)

Iceberg Lettuce, chopped
cilantro, handful – chopped
soy beans, hulled
sweet and sour red cabbage (jarred), heaping
roasted or sun dried tomatoes
roasted sweet potato
Vegetarian Chicken Patty, optional
Favorite Salad Dressing (I used Balsamic on mine)

1. Mix together the lettuce and cilantro, place in bowl.
2.Add a handful of each (about 1/4 cup) soy beans, cabbage, sun dried tomatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, and sliced veggie chicken patty if using.
3. Drizzle with salad dressing! Enjoy!