Quick Breakfast! Vanilla Yogurt Parfait with Lemon And Raspberry


7 softball practices

2 softball tournaments


3 play rehearsals

3 live performances

1 birthday

1 mother’s day tea

and 1 Mother’s Day Holiday.

And. . .my actual Mother (versus my non-actual. . .which is a whole other story) is coming to town.

My house is in shambles.

Pardon my screams of agony coupled with my giddy laughter of joy.

My cup runneth over.

I do realize that.

I just wish it didn’t have to be on the white carpet.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

My life has been so busy lately.

It’s high tide in softball land, All-Star Season. It’s also the end of the school year, which brings upon all sorts of activities and fun to be had. I’m hoping it will all  simmer down in the next few weeks as we get ready for summer, and I’ll get to write more. . .and more. . .and more.

I have so many things to share with you. . .

Soon. Really soon.



THIS is the breakfast we all need on the super busy days, where there isn’t time to cook a meal, but we could use something special to power us up for a busy day.

I had this at Starbucks a week ago.  Soooooooo good. BUT. . .it cost me $4. . .which is far too much for this penny pincher. Here’s my version, so much cheaper, and 10 times better. Which I must say. . .is the way I like it.


Vanilla Greek Yogurt

Prepared Lemon Curd (find in the grocery aisle with the jams/jellies or with the pie filling)*

Raspberry Preserves



1. In a small personal size cup place 2 TB Raspberry Preserves. Add 8 oz. of Greek yogurt. Place a dollop of  Lemon Curd on top (another 2 TB worth). Top with plenty of Granola. Sit back and enjoy the best part of your day:)

*Want to make your own lemon curd? Try Martha Stewart’s Lemon Curd recipe, it is spot on.


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