An Artist in My house. . .

20140519-112617.jpg A thirteen year old girl is a very curious thing. Often they are cute, smiling at everyone who looks their way, politely saying please and thank you and giggling at even the stupidest of jokes. But. . . When the car door slams, their pep turns to bluk, and their smiles turn into grimaces, that weigh them down to no end. No longer can they converse, because it’s just too hard, and WE do not understand. Oh. my. Gawd. I don’t know. It’s too hard to say, because YOU/ME never listen. Seriously can’t you/me just be quiet and drive her to Starbucks and get her a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with a squirt of Raspberry syrup because her life is so haaaaaaarrrrrddddddd. HONESTLY, I DON’T UNDERSTAND. But, still. . . I try. “Wow. Cool art”, I say. “How did you do that? With coils? How does that work? Did everybody use coils? Are all the coils the same size? Is it done with a machine? Does it have a lever? I want to know. . I’m really very interested. . .tell me, tell me, teeelllllll meeeeee!!!” But it’s too many questions (I should have known better). And I’m way too interested, I’ve put her brain on overload. “You don’t know? What don’t you know? You don’t know how you did it? You don’t know what it is? How can you not know? Did you do it? Did someone else do it for you? You’re confused? You don’t speak English anymore?” “Seriously Mommy. Stop. I just don’t know.” So I just left it at that. And cursed her bloody hormones under my breath. And then I picked up all her art, shoved it in my arms and took pictures of it, while bragging to her sisters about what a talented artist she is. In the corner she stood. Looking down at her feet smiling. Cheeks blushed. I think she knows . . .I think she’s marvelous. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – My 13-year-old is a bit of an artist. My snippy, irritated annoyed at me child is an artist. . . Never telling me anything that I want to know to my face . . . But telling me everything I NEED TO KNOW through her art. .


20140519-112617.jpg Shelbi’s entries into the Texas Art Education Association Junior VASE My personal favorite (I’m going to the store tomorrow and having it framed). Her Personal comment on the painting: This shows me against the world. I feel like sometimes the world is full of lies and hurt, but I try to be different and true to myself. 2D Painting, Watercolor – – – – – – – – – – –  


20140519-112634.jpg 20140519-112647.jpg Shelbi’s comments on her piece: Judgement: Everyone in my art class was making a pot out of coils as well, but I wanted to be different. All of my classmates smoothed the coils into one piece, but I wanted to leave the coils unsmoothed, and use that to my advantage. Personal Expression: This pot represents me in many ways. I am always busy just like a the bees. I’m a very sweet person, so I feel like a bee’s honey would represent that. I just love happiness and wanted to incorporate bright colors. 3D, Sculpture, Clay – – – – – – – – – – – – – And a few other things that she cleared out of her Art locker at school . . . . . 20140519-112705.jpg 20140519-112717.jpg 20140519-112730.jpg 20140519-112753.jpg 20140519-112803.jpg    

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