Savory Breakfast Quinoa with Mint, Flaxseed, and Sunflower Seeds & Softball Things. . .

20140606-104906-38946366.jpgWell. . . .I feel as if I’m starting to come back to the civilized world.

Softball is over for one of my girls.









All four are out of school and back in my space, exactly where I love them to be.

This morning, on our very first day of Summer Break, everyone slept in except me.

But, I never sleep in. Which is the way I choose it to be. Early to rise and all that jazz. . .

I promised myself this would be a summer of all good things.



20140606-125400-46440310.jpgTaking care of our bodies.

Eating well.

Writing more.

Reading lots of fun lit together.



Planting, digging, and just being kids. . .myself  included.

Intense planning will be going on around here, to insure that the fun to be had, is being had!

That’s the boring grown up part of me, that realizes that we must tend to some sort of schedule if all the things I promise shall take place. . .

Anyway. . . . .more is coming from me soon. . .it shall be a fast and furious summer I presume, and I can’t wait for the fun to begin.

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You would be worried for me if you knew. .. I MEAN REALLY KNEW. . .how extremely excited I am for summer.

So excited that I got my big butt out of the bed this morning, ran a mile or so and then did some intense Yoga, just so I could ENERGIZE myself to keep up with my kid folk.

I tried out a new Yogi type breakfast too.

Of the savory variety. . .I think I need an extra bit of something to sustain my waning energy these days.

20140606-104921-38961614.jpgEntirely Delightful.

Shockingly simple.

Comforting and soothing, with little pops of flavor.

I had it at 8 am this morning with a hot cup of spiced tea.

It is now 1:35 pm. . .and I haven’t even thought of food.

Now that! is a good breakfast.

SAVORY BREAKFAST QUINOA. .. . .with Mint, Flaxseed, and

Sunflower seeds.



1/2 cup Quinoa

2 cups water

1/8 tsp salt, plus more to taste

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp coconut oil (optional)

1 TB Ground flaxseed

2 TB Sunflower Seeds (shelled)

1/4 cup mint, chopped


1. Allow quinoa to soak  in 1 cup of water while you gather the other ingredients.

2. Strain quinoa.  Place quinoa in small saucepan with 1 cup water, salt, and cumin.  Cover and bring to boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer.  Cook for about 15 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed.

3. Scoop the cooked quinoa into a large bowl and add the oil, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and mint.  Season with additional salt if desired. Enjoy!

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