Blueberry, Strawberry, Avocado ‘remove a part of my butt, gut, thigh’ Smoothie


I’m sitting in the chair next to the window, dangling my legs over the arms. My head leans back, tilted slightly, and I’m watching the ways of my house on a late afternoon in March.

Bella lies upside down on the love seat, paper in hand, memorizing poetry terms and math factors.

“Stop!” “Quiet!” “I’m hungry!” “Stop jumping!!!” Verbal lurches called out to those who might impede her progress.

Phoebe thumping up and down the stairs, daring someone, anyone to play with her.

And I sit, noticing everything and nothing at all.

There is a 7-year-old child sitting next to me, enthusiatically . . .reading.

“Mommy! *giggle, giggle, giggle*  Mommy, you gotta read this book. Look! They are at the restaurant, and its a Chinese restaurant, and she wants something to eat and there is only Chinese food! ONLY FREAKIN’ CHINESE FOOD!  THat’s what the book says! Right here! I think it’s totally inappropriate, but hilarious!  And then this part, . .this dog bites her butt. . .and his name is stinker, but she calls him munchy *hehehehe*  and then, look!  a picture of her hurling him to the sun! Oh my God! I love this book.”

I turn to her, and she reads me more. I have never be so happy as I was at that very moment in time.

– – – – – – – –    – – – – – – – – – – – –

And that moment. . . . was brought to me by ME and my newly decorated living room.

Had I not just re-decorated ( very remotely – – – pictures on the wall, baskets in the entertainment center, new pillows on the couches, poof on the floor) I would not have sat back to enjoy the subtle yet calming difference, which afforded me the very moment of which I speak.





I spent the last 7 days working on this. . . .because. . . .

I want a million more moments like these.

A home where happiness happens.

My soul tells me that the effort brings it to us.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Also this week in Nicki Woo La-La Land. . . . .

While I have been frantic to spruce up the living room, I have noticed my ‘Butt, Gut, and Thighs’ increasing at an alarming rate.

So, I’ve decided to cut out refined sugars, and some other stuff until I can get it under control.

Anyway. I’ve been drinking this EVERY MORNING (for like 7 days) and I’ve lost 2 pounds so far. Only 999 to go. . . .









Nicki Woo’s Blueberry, Strawberry,

Avocado ‘Remove my excess butt,

gut, thigh’ Smoothie

This will make a HUGE double portion. One for me, one for my butt and one for my 4 year old, who always, always, always is down for a smoothie.

1 cup frozen blueberries

1 cup frozen (or not) strawberries

1/2 avocado

1 cup almond-coconut milk

1 cup water

2 tb lemon juice

2 tb almond butter or peanut butter

*Splenda can be added if your sweet tooth needs more of a kick!




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