Carrot, Orange, and a little bit of Grapefruit Juice


I don’t know what it is about the month of January, but it just makes me want to juice everything in sight.

It’s probably because every January I get to praying to God specifically for him to  help me ‘want to’ get off my tookus and exercise.

And then I ask him to please remove parts of my butt.

And then I kindly suggest that he also lengthen my legs and thin out my face.

To this he usually starts laughing hysterically.

And whispers to me that I have the power to do all of this all on my own. Except lengthening my legs, but he gives a nod and says they’ll look thinner if I lose weight.

And then he sends somebody into my life who brings with them copious amounts of fruit (this year is was my beautiful friend Jenny bearing grapefruit, last year it was my lovely mother in law laden with pears).

And I make healthy and scrumptious recipes that I want to gobble up .

And I juice.

And I juice some more.

And then I exercise, because the juice makes me feel so good and healthy and all granola-like.

And then I lose 1 pound.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

This year, I’m thinking I’m going to lose more than 1 pound.

Because now I have this crazy ridiculous lovely, lovely, juicer that my mom brought to me in November (that I didn’t try to use until December, and then realized it was missing a part, that my mother then sent in January).

It’s a Champion Juicer. Made Circa 1960 something. Maybe 70’s. I’m not sure, but it is one classy lady. Sturdy, shapely and works as if she were a 2014 model.

I don’t have a really good picture of her/it. But here she is juicing me up some cranberry-orange-apple juice. . .



She/It juices EVERYTHING (even greens). In like 1 second. And cleans up in no time flat. Marvelous piece of machinery.

Thank you mommy. Love you so much.



What You Need:


5 pounds Carrots

6 Oranges, peeled

1 Grapefruit Peeled

*If you don’t have a juicer, try using a high powered blender. Add a little water and strain. You can see the process for blender juicing here.


1. Process all the fruit and vegetables according to your juicers instructions (which is probably the same as mine, but I don’t know since I don’t know what juicer you have and I only just got my juicer like two seconds ago.)

2.I rinsed and washed all my fruit and veg, and then inserted my carrots first.  Tasted the juice (it was delightful) and then added the peeled oranges and grapefruit.
Note: My juicer recommends leaving the peel on citrus for a more concentrated flavor. Oh my goodness. . .in my most humble opinion. . . YUK! Much too bitter. So I suggest removing the peel. And if you’re like me, and you want to try it out for yourself, go ahead, but just juice it in a separate bowl so that you don’t ruin anything else you’ve made.

