The Quickest and Easiest Buffalo Chicken Salad


Her:  Mommy, remember I need 2 pictures for school today.

Me:  Are those the pictures you told me about yesterday?

Her:  Yes.

Me:  When I wasn’t listening?

Her:  Yes.

Me:  Do you realize you have 9 minutes before the bus comes?

Her:  Yes.

Me:  And you haven’t had breakfast.

Her:  Yes.

Me:  And your hair isn’t combed.

Her:  Yes.

Me:  And you have no shoes or socks on.

Her:  Yes.

Me:  You really need to tell me these things when I AM PAYING ATTENTION.

Her:  I don’t know when that is.

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THAT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE I’m not sure I’m ever really paying attention.

And even if I were, I wouldn’t remember to do a durn thing because I have the memory of a gnat.

And to further illustrate that point, when I was running around my house this morning like a mad woman looking for 2 pictures for my child to bring to school, she pulled out an old photo album with this really cute lady holding a big fat yummy baby.

The baby was her.

But I didn’t know who in the heck the woman was. Until my 7 year old child said, “Mommy. I think that’s you.”

Skinny me. Well . . . .maybe not skinny. . .but a severely hungry and thinner me. Huh. I forgot that I was ever that small.  I told you. THE MEMORY OF A GNAT.


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The Quickest and Easiest Buffalo Chicken Salad

inspired by the Pioneer Woman

You may not be aware of this, but my arse is considerably larger than it was 6 years ago. And not in a good way. So, lately I’m running more. Doing more yoga. And eating much more lettuce.

This is my latest inspired dish, after watching an episode of Pioneer Woman. She had a WHOLE LOT MORE SAUCEY CHICKEN. . .I don’t like too much sauce. And my kids, ooh my kids. Some like blue cheese, others. . .not so much. So we opted for feta instead, and it turned out quite dreamy. For me, the below recipe was just right. Every member of your family can cater it to their own taste.  You can see the Pioneer Woman’s version here.

Salad Ingredients:

Romaine and Green Leaf Lettuce, chopped

Cooked Chicken, diced

Louisiana Hot Sauce


1/2 cup Light mayonnaise (I like the Olive Oil version)

1/2 cup Light Sour Cream

Handful of chopped scallions or chives

1-2 Garlic cloves, minced (adding 2 makes it quite a bit more spicy for those who like bite!)

2 oz. crumbled feta cheese

salt and pepper, to taste

1.In a medium bowl combine mayonnaise, sour cream, scallions/chives, garlic, and feta. Mix well with a fork. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

2. Retrieve a large bowl and fill it with lettuce. Top with chicken and douse chicken with your preferred amount of hot sauce. Drizzle with dressing. Devour.



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