Sad Clown Make-up, A Halloween Hangover, Easy Pumpkin Soup and GREEN VALLEY ORGANICS GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!

[Winner announced below]

Ever just wake up and look at your face and wonder.
Wonder about your face and every body else’s face, and the things they do to it?
Like eyeliner. What about eyeliner?  I love it personally. I think I should wear more of it.

And brown skin is nice, lovely in fact, but wonder how it would be to be white.  No, not like Caucasian.  I mean white, like snow. Like cotton. Like this bottle of Green Valley Kefir I’m pouring into my glass, and spilling it onto my desk. (We’ll get to that later.)

And then I think. I wanna be horrific. But not really HORRIFIC. More tragic. But understated. Melancholic. Sad, slightly. Thoughtful. Like I would be if I were a clown mama with clown kids who were bad and didn’t listen. Hint. Hint.

And what about lips, why can some people wear certain shades of lipstick and it makes others just look blah? Like RED. I like RED.  But it makes me look like a two bit hooker, so I try to stay away from it. But I’m thinking not today.  I’m going for it.

And ponytails. Whatever happened to ponytails? I love those things. I want those things. Done. White Tragic Yet Thoughtful Red Lipped Hooker Clown with ponytails.

That’s Me.

And this is our Halloween.

And today I have a Sugar Halloween Hangover. And I love it.

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And I do love it. I DID love it.  But it’s OVER. And the sugar, I’m sure has made its way into the very depth of my being. And now, it’s time for me to treat myself to good wholesome recovery food.

Starting with a morning glass of Blueberry Pom Acai Lactose Free Kefir.

Then moving onto a Lactose Free Strawberry Yogurt shared with the 2 year old, with yummy sweet REAL strawberries on the bottom. She ate it. And currently, she eats nothing.

When the kids come home from school they are getting a smoothie made with Green Valley Kefir (Plain).
And for dinner we’re having our leftover Baked Chicken Taquitos with Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Sour Cream, and a Creamy and Tangy Pumpkin Soup made with the Kefir (you can find the recipe below).

So good. So healthy.

And then, they can have some more candy 🙂

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What I like about Green Valley Organics:

It’s good. Delicious.  Delightfully, wholesome, wonderfulness.

Lactose Free!  Easy on the belly.  In fact, it’s easily digested and it is probiotic rich so it helps your body keep the up the levels of good bacteria to keep your colon and intestines clean and happy!

Organic! Great source of calcium and protein!

They are certified Humane (meet the Humane Farm Animal Care Program standards including nutritious diets for their animals (no hormones) and animals are raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.

AND NOW. . . . . .

Because I love you and I want you to do something delicious and wonderful for yourself. . .. .

I’m giving away :

An ECO Insulated Tote with a Green Valley Organics Peace Love and Dairy T-Shirt  AND FREE COUPONS FOR THE ENTIRE GREEN VALLEY ORGANICS PRODUCT LINE OF Yogurts, Kefirs, and Sour Cream. And if you don’t live near a store that sells them nearby, they’ll  send the product directly to you!!!!

All this. . . .(plus a few more that we already ate, and umm. . .I wore the t-shirt (so cute) it’s in the wash)


Just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:

“What food do you eat that screams “Wholesome & Yummy”?


One entry per person, please. Or the Lactose Police will come and poot in your neighborhood.

The Green Valley Organics GIVEAWAY will end November 7, 2011 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 8, 2011. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using

Good Luck!

And THE WINNER IS> > > >

I made the blog! I made the blog!  I’m an old woman in costume, but I made the blog!!!  And you were the cutest white-tragic-yet-thoughtful-red-lipped-hooker-clown-with-ponytails I have EVER seen!!!  And my children are still raving about your taquitos (“You know she makes them? Not from a box.”) and cupcakes (“I have never had a cupcake THAT good!”) and to retaliate, they are getting cheeseburgers (broiled from frozen) and fries (baked from frozen) and water for dinner.  Then they can have more candy.  <3
Please contact [email protected] in the next 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be selected!
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Now. . . .the Pumpkin Soup Recipe. . . .

Pumpkin Soup
From The Recipe Archives of archive
Made with Plain Kefir, this soup has a creamy and tangy taste. The pumpkin gives it a slight sweetness and a fullness comes from the onion, celery, and carrot combination. Have it alone or with sandwiches, it’s nice on a cool fall evening.


  • ½ regular pumpkin (rind removed) or butternut squash (rind removed) or 1 large can of 100% unflavored pumpkin puree
  • 1 medium yellow onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 quarts low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh chopped fresh, or 1 t. dried sage leaves
  • ½ tsp. chopped fresh ginger
  • 3 Tbsp. of olive oil
  • 1 quart Green Valley Organics Lactose Free Plain Kefir
  • Salt and/or pepper to taste


  1. In a blender or food processor, chop the pumpkin and vegetables into small bits.
  2. Put the olive oil into the pot— heat; add vegetables.
  3. Cook and stir for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour in the broth.
  5. Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 40 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat and let it set for 20 minutes to cool.
  7. In portions, put the soup back into the blender or processor and puree.
  8. Put the puree back into the pot and add/blend in the kefir, reheat slightly.
  9. Serve. To garnish, add a little nutmeg and sage.

Disclaimer:  No money has exchanged hands. The kind people at Green Valley Organics just asked me did I want to try their awesome product and I said yes, since it’s awesome. Then, it really was awesome, so I said, “Can I please give some to my readers?” And they said, “Yes, because you’re awesome.” So I did. And now I’m done.

And THE WINNER IS> > > >

I made the blog! I made the blog!  I’m an old woman in costume, but I made the blog!!!  And you were the cutest white-tragic-yet-thoughtful-red-lipped-hooker-clown-with-ponytails I have EVER seen!!!  And my children are still raving about your taquitos (“You know she makes them? Not from a box.”) and cupcakes (“I have never had a cupcake THAT good!”) and to retaliate, they are getting cheeseburgers (broiled from frozen) and fries (baked from frozen) and water for dinner.  Then they can have more candy.  <3
Please contact [email protected] in the next 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be selected!

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