Fresh Cucumber Salad

Because it’s really, really hot outside. 

And well, it’s also just as humid. 

Because I have 50 million cucumbers on the vine, and they are literally growing out of my nose and to my feet.
Because I miss my mommy (though she’ll be here soon), and because she used to make this for us all the time as kids.

But mostly because my kids can eat this stuff by the truckload, and they can make it themselves.

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I’m sure this salad would be lovely with dill, or red onion, or *gasp* basil. I nearly fainted.

But my kids can be boring, and all they want is cucumbers and tart.  So this is the version we make, most days.

On a similar note, me thinks it would look even lovelier with some of the peeling left on, but alas those Woodard kids put the “ix-nay” on foods that are green (the color of grass that is, not the color of Pistachio pudding; they’re not fools).


Apple Cider Vinegar


1. Peel and slice the cucumbers.
2. Sprinkle with salt.
3. Drizzle with vinegar. DEVOUR.

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3 thoughts on “Fresh Cucumber Salad

  1. This simple yet tasty salad reminds me of summer days long ago, too. Doesn’t get much simpler than that. You could always give each child a small bowl of their own and set out a few different spices for them to experiment with. A & A tend to be more willing to try stuff they put together themselves. Just a thought. Happy hot humid summer day! -E

  2. I remember eating cucumber sprinkled light with salt when I was little. Your recipe sounds yummy.

    Thanks for stopping by. Following you back on Twitter.

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