Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Filling and Strawberry Icing!

I know this kid, whose as bright as a peach
who kisses and kisses, and is never out of reach

her hair bounces off the top of her head,
and she giggles and giggles, at the silliest things said.

She shines like the sun on the brightest of days,
and her golden skin sparkles, as if on a stage,
She poses for every picture that has ever been took,
and she’ll melt your heart after just one look.

Her eyes are aware and they’ll draw you near,
as they slant and curl moving toward her ears,
just so they can hear the sweetest voice sing
the songs on America’s top twenty.

She can stand on one leg, with the other in the air
do a pirouet and hold a two minute stare,
her lips purse and crumple when giving a kiss,
which she conducts, as if it’s her very last wish.

She may bop you around, for not doing what she said,
but never will her words cause you any dread.
For she’ll speak with only the sweetest of praises,
filled with flattery in delicious little phrases.

She’s the toughest kid, that I’ve ever met
-ram her head into a wall and not break a sweat.
Though her tidiness should really be much better,
her kisses, when she plants one, couldn’t be any wetter.

My kid’s the one who’ll always have your back,
Who’ll continuously make you giggle,
and make your knees go slack,
My kid’s the one who’ll make you melt,
cause her hearts always open,
deeper love I’ve never felt.

Happy 4th Birthday Soledad!  Thank you for being you. We love you.

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Soledad’s favorite, favorite, favorite is. . . . .you guessed it, Strawberry.  For her birthday, she said she wanted Strawberry Cake, with Strawberry Icing and strawberry filling.  So here it is, my little Soli’s favorite cake (made easier with a box cake mix).  It’s super moist, completely yummy, and utterly addictive.

*Usually, when we make this cake we bake it in a bundt cake pan, and use the filling as a glaze. No icing needed. However, Soledad wanted a perfectly pink cake, hence the version below.  Either way it’s delicious.

Fresh Strawberry Cake


For the Cake:
Strawberry Cake Mix
3 TB flour
3 eggs
3/4 c. oil
3/4 c. milk
1 box Strawberry Jello (regular or sugar free)
1/2 c. fresh strawberries, diced

For the filling:
2 TB butter
1 1/2 c. powdered sugar
2/3 c. fresh strawberries, crushed


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Grease and flour 2  9-inch round pans.
3. Combine cake mix, flour, eggs, oil, milk, jello, and diced strawberries into a medium sized bowl and beat with a mixer on medium for 2 minutes.
4. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Cool cake completely.
5. While the cake is cooling, make the filling/glaze. Combine butter, powdered sugar, and crushed strawberries.
6. Once the cake has cooled, place the bottom layer on a cake plate. Top with filling, followed by the other layer of cake. Frost with icing, and serve.

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2 thoughts on “Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Filling and Strawberry Icing!

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SOLEDAD! I see she’s a girl after your own heart (and mine, too) with her love of strawberries. The cake looks scrumyumptious. I’ll definitely have to try this one. Does the brand of cake mix make a difference at all? -E

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