Mango and Blueberry Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Bacon & What To Expect When Your Expecting: A Movie Review!

  Well, I can tell you what I wasn’t expecting.To like this movie, that’s what.What is that saying? Too many chickens in the coop. All trying to rule the roost. . .…

Honey -Lemon Watermelon Salad & A $25 H-E-B Gift Card Giveaway!!!

Finally. I’m starting to work on my garden. In my garden. Around my garden. But. . . . Geez Louise. I’m late. Last year, all my plants were in the…

Northern Lights by Cider Sky & And Liver Pate on Rye with Provolone and Pickles

Every time I close my eyesi can touch the colors around me.suddenly i realizeeverything i thought was impossible is heart sings in world so incredible.and everything burns much brighter. .…

Cinnamon Streusal Muffins, Baking Basics and Beyond GIVEAWAY, and Texting with Love. . . .

Nana just got an iPhone.She loves it.I love it.She has a Words with Friends Game (similar to scrabble) going on with EVERY member of my family. Except Phoebe, and as soon…

Superbowl Party Food: Uber Easy Oven Baked Meatballs with Flaxseed Water instead of Egg. . .Yum!!!!

{Last Day to enter the Edible Brooklyn: The Cookbook Giveaway! Ends tonight Feb. 1, 2012!}[2 Days Ago]Okay.I sat down to type to you, and tell you some other stuff but…

Smoothie for Your Heart: Orange Vanilla Protein (Tastes like an Orange Julius)

 It just occurred to me that in September, I wrote and cried and slobbered and prayed to you about my Poppy Pops. I cried about his heart transplant surgery and…