Phoebe’s “Favorite” Pineapple – Mango Banana Smoothie

6:11 am.

Kitchen.  Me with hair, slightly wild, completely afro, oddly amazing. Eyes tired, holey t-shirt with pajama shorts on. Mild chaos of crumbs strewn about the floor making a not so subtle beach of cheese crackers and tortilla chips. Dishes in the sink from 2 days before. Smoothie acroutements on the counter. Frozen mango, pineapple juice, banana, yogurt.  I’m making a smoothie for my littlest, because she only eats skittles and goldfish crackers.

A Pineapple-Mango Smoothie to be exact, because that is her absolute fave in the world, from McDonald’s, of course.

I make an incredibly AMAZING McCafe Doup. Amazing, I say. World Changing.

Phoebe (my 9 year old)  says, “It’s good, but it could use more sugar.”

I say, “ Be quiet Phoebe, and drink up. Stop being ungrateful.”

She says, “It’s good and all, but I’m just saying, you put Agave nectar in it, and that is taking away from the mango flavor. I think you need to add more white sugar. Then, it will be good.”

I say, “Stick a straw in it. Literally and figuratively.”


She did. Put a straw in it. And drank that mug all the way up.

So maybe I jumped the gun on “Phoebe’s FAVORITE Smoothie” but I promise, by summers end, it will be.

And so starts my summer.

With my childs undeniable critical ways, and surely the non-avoidable tantrum I’m throwing as I’m cleaning out my refrigerator and pantry to get rid of all the crap snacks that have accumulated over the past few months.

These nuts over here think I’m kidding.

Summer is not for having fun. It’s for Mommy to get her sh** together.

We are exercising EVERY DAY.

Working on College scholarship applications.




And eating smoothies till our stomachs explode.

Phoebe’s “Favorite” Pineapple – Mango Banana Smoothie

1 cup pineapple juice

½ cup Coconut Almond milk

1 cup vanilla yogurt

½ banana

1 handful frozen mango

1 large glass ice

Drizzle of Agave Nectar

  1. Place the ingredients in the blender, in the order listed.
  2. Blend.
  3. Pour.
  4. Give to your undeniably willful child/spouse/friend/stranger.
  5. Watch them smile, however critical they may be.

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