Super EASY Green Bean and Tomato Salad with Spicy Mustard Vinaigrette

Oh yesterday.

I’m so glad you’ve gone away.

With pissed off feelings

and angry eyes

20 second sighs

and lies after lies.

Oh yesterday,

thank you for going home,

to that far off place

where only memories roam.

Today I will sit in gratitude

of the goodness

that abounds

and remember

that my heartache


that love surrounds.


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The past few days have been a doozy.

Resulting in me writing A LOT. My coping mechanism.

This little diddy was a little bit about my Tiger mom self. . .  .

A bit about the ugly side of me that comes out when I feel like my kids are getting run over and life isn’t being fair to them 🙁

About how I get so very furious with people, and then don’t tell them, and expect them to read my mind.  Then usually after I contemplate telling them how I feel,  I don’t because I don’t want to hurt their feelings.

AND it’s about doing the very thing that I’m driven to do, but fighting the monster that tells me not to do it, because (of course)  I’ve been down this road before and it didn’t end well.

And in not well, I mean. . .

poo on my face.


I think in this case, I will go with love and truth, and tell poem person, the truth with all the love that I can muster. And hope they hear it that way.

Because that’s the type of person I want to be.

One who lives in her truth.

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I also want to be the type of person who lives with her face in a big honking’ salad bowl of delightfully yummy salads that make her feel good, but most importantly taste AMAZING.

I think I can be that girl today.

Phoebe was that girl yesterday.

We can all be the people we aspire to be. It might not be easy. But it is totally doable.

And if today you can’t be that person. It’s enough to be the person who aspires to be that person.


Simply Easy Green Bean and Tomato Salad with Spicy Mustard Vinaigrette


1 Microwaveable Steamed Bag of Green Beans (about 1 pound)

3 – 4 Roma Tomatoes, chopped into bite size pieces

1 TB minced garlic

2 stalks of Green Onions, chopped finely

2 TB Spicy Mustard

2 TB Apple Cider Vinegar

4 TB oil ( olive or Canola)

Salt and Pepper to taste


1.) Cook Green Beans according to package directions.

2.) In a large bowl, add half green beans and chopped tomatoes. Sprinkle garlic and green onions on top.

3.) In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, vinegar, and oil. When completely emulsified, drizzle over vegetables. Mix with salad tongs. Sprinkle with about 1/2 tsp of salt and a dash of pepper.  Mix again. Taste. Add additional salt if desired. Serve room temperature.
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