General Joe’s Chopstix Salad Copy Cat Recipe

It’s been awhile. To say the least.

Almost 35 months to the DAY, that I haven’t typed a single word to you my friends. I’ve missed you terribly, and have thought of you often. I’ve even written you recipes and silly stories, but for some reason I just could’t hit -POST-.

I had 2 surgeries in 2015, that threw me for a loop that I wasn’t expecting. One for my knee and another because I was tinkling when I didn’t want to.   I wasn’t going to tell you that, but hey. ..we are all friends here.

And then there were my four kids. . .who apparently require copious amounts of time.

And the dog, of course. Who will be new to this blog, and likely to turn up in many a photo.

We rescued her when I was laid up from knee surgery. She is as big of a baby as I ever seen, who has us all wrapped around her finger. . .she brings up so much joy in ways we have never imagined.

Anyway. . .

I wanted you to know I’m here.

And I’m fighting to come back.

To me.

To silliness.

To healthy eating and exercise.

To writing.

To you.

I wrote the post below while I was MIA.

Phoebe is in 3rd grade now. . .and Kinder in the post. Gah!

But the funny thing is many of the things I wrote about are still true. . .so I’m going to share it just to say. . .

As much as things change, they stay the same <3


This year has been so strange.

Phoebe started kindergarten, and I thought it would be so great. “I’ll get so much work done around the house!” I told myself. ” but only I never, EVER stayed home. EVER.

So… make myself stay home more, I had knee surgery. Which did keep me at home for 4 weeks, but then I was so over it.




So… my hop a long one leg functioning state…..I convinced my family to get a dog.

A 12 week old puppy.

Who literally turned my world upside down. I threatened to give her away everyday for 2 months. All the nipping, peeing, and blatant disregard for rules.

Until one day she just woke up and decided to be the best dog in the universe. Who listens, and plays well, gives kisses only when requested and keeps most of her tee-tee outside.

I love her so.

And I love my kids.

And my beautiful messy home, with all my to do’s. That must get to done.

AND. . .this salad.

I LURV this salad.

So easy to make in a messy house.

With a crazy dog.

and a mountain of laundry.

AND. . .


The kids love it!

Even the ones who only eat skittles.

Crazy.  I know.

Asian Chicken Salad with Almonds and Garlic Soy Dressing

1 Shredded Whole Chicken (boil a chicken or buy rotisserie)

1 head of Iceberg Lettuce, shredded

2 cups Carrots, match sticks

Almonds, slivered

2 packages of Ramen, UN-COOKED and crushed without seasoning packet


1/2 cup light soy sauce

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup canola oil ( or olive oil)

1/2 cup sugar

2 teaspoons chopped garlic

1/2 tsp sesame oil

  1. Make dressing by placing all dressing ingredients into a glass jar and whisking until sugar is fully dissolved. Place in refrigerator until ready to use.

2. Make a salad assembly line by placing each individual item into a separate bowl. Make salads by placing a heaping of lettuce on the bottom of your salad bowl. Top with one large Handful of carrots, crushed ramen, almonds, and chicken (in that order). Finish by drizzling dressing on top! Enjoy!


PS- My goal is to post weekly. Check back next week to see what’s cooking:)

For food and fun between posts, come check me out on Instagram @nickiwooguru 

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