Cozy, Cozy Muesli with Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, and Chia

It’s four months later, and we are still dealing with the aftermath of our GREAT FLOOD of 2017.

Our 800 year flood, Harvey.

Many of our friends have homes that took on over 2 feet of water. This house, thankfully stayed dry,  tho’ during those 7 days, we were panicked at the prospect.

A dear friend of mine (Jenny) has a home (two actually :0 ),  that flooded like crazy. Currently, their home is still being renovated and her family of  six is living upstairs until all the dust settles and her home is back to comfy pillows, throw blankets, and dimly lit candles. [She’d slap me for even saying such a thing when everything she owns is currently under 5 inches of reno dust 🙁 ] Her mind is more on working toilets and stove, not lush blankets and fireplaces.

During these past few months, she’s let me tag along with her hiring contractors, picking out cabinets, granite, and floor coverings, so that I could feel a little less helpless and guilty. It’s hard to watch your friends go through such a tough time, and not being able to do anything about it but listen, wipe their tears and be ETERNALLY optimistic, without being too annoying.

The inundation of all of Houston renovating, has me thinking about my little home 24/7. Filling me with gratitude that it’s safe and dry, and that my brood is healthy and able. So lately, I’ve been in a bit of scurry, doing little projects around my house, trying to fill it with love and beauty to show God my appreciation for my piece of sanctuary on P. Willowby Lane.

I’ve put up a bit of deco in the Laundry room. Trying to inspire myself to actually do the laundry.

And I’ve hung up some hooks, to help organize the area a bit better  so the kids will keep that tiny little space manageable. . . . so again, I might actually do the laundry more than once a month.

It hasn’t worked yet. Still dirty underwear in every corner.

But the Laundry room looks cute.

I’ve also brought some new plants, that fill my home with all kinds of cozy.

And two rugs. That I’ve totally fallen in love with.

The first is from Target  and the second is from Wal-Mart $19.99!

I’m smitten with the idea of caring about what my house looks like again. My kids are older and a little less messy. I think I might be able to tackle some things  I couldn’t when they were younger.

I want everyday that I live to be one that I appreciate. So my mission is to fill my home and my heart (and hopefully my kids) with little reminders of how wonderful it is to breathe, and love, and be.

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Oh man. My “new thing” is Hygge.

I think that maybe in a past life I was a Dane.

I keep telling Jenny, about proper lighting (as in lots of lamps, candles, and all around glow). She thinks I’m properly crazy, and wants to slap me because we both know I’m not a decorator.

“Jenny,” I say “You need comfy pillows, and lots of lights, and cozy, cozy rugs.”

And she says to me, “Shut up, I’m tired. I want to got to sleep.”

And I say, “EXACTLY!”

Because that’s what Hygge is all about. The art of being cozy. Relaxed. Comfy. Being in the moment. Reading a book. Taking a nap, a walk, or playing a game with your kids.


That’s the life for me. And her.

Gonna slow down my role just a bit.

Enjoy this last bit of winter we have left.

Sipping on some hot tea and eating this yummy, nutty, delightfully healthy Muesli.

I’m not kidding, when you place this in your mouth, it’s creamy, cool, crunchy, and just perfectly sweet. It’ll make you appreciate everything great in this world.

Cozy, Cozy, Muesli with Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, and Chia

5 cups rolled oats (not the quick cooking type)

2 cups sweetened shredded coconut

2 cups Pecans

1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds

1 1/2 cup raisins

To Prepare:

In a personal size bowl add the following. . .

1/2 cup of your prepared Muesli

1/2 cup Coconut Milk (or whatever milk you prefer)

1/4 cup yogurt

3/4 cup fresh fruit (sliced strawberries, blueberries, apple, banana etc.)

Allow to sit for about 15 minutes, or overnight. Enjoy!