The Easiest Way to “Peel” a Pomegranate


I always found it odd how Santa did things differently at other people’s houses.

Like why he always came through our front door (boot prints apparent) but he flew down the chimney at Jessica Quiggins house.

And for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why Sarah’s gifts from Santa were always wrapped, and ours NEVER where.

And stockings…..don’t even get me started on stockings…some kids got toys… Others candy…and some sugar plums….which I liken to prunes… for the life of me…. I was down right confused.

But I just figured… Santa knew those families front and back….which kids were constipated and which kids moms wouldn’t let them eat candy even if it was dropped straight into their mouth.

And for me and my sister…Santa towed the line real well…..

Plenty of chocolates….
Gold coins and trinkets….
A tube of sweet flavorful Chapstick
And always some exotic fruit from his travels.. . .
Maybe a blood orange, and always a pomegranate.


The Woodard clan seemingly receives very similar gifts from the jolly old fellow.

Usually chocolates from Europe….if he can find them….
Some sort of lip gloss and nail polish
Stuffed toys
Slim Jim’s, jerky, and sweets that I would never buy them even if they had a knife to my throat.
And always,
A basket for the whole family to share….
Filled with fancy sparkling soda
And loads of exotic snacks and fruit with sweet pomegranates sitting atop.


The easiest way to peel a pomegranate

1. Gently cut the skin (only) all the way around the fruit, making a full circle.


2. Pull apart. Grab a large bowl.


3. Place half the pomegranate cut side down in your palm, and over the bowl. Using a rolling-pin. Beat the top of the pomegranate to loosen the seeds. The seeds will fall into your hands and into the bowl. Continue to do this until all the seeds are removed. Repeat with the other side.









4. Place in a container and refrigerate any you don’t eat. I never make it to this step.



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