Seriously. This Tastes Just Like Chick Fil A Lemonade.


Today has been a heck of a day.

I just found out that there is some type of sewage issue at our other house in Dallas.

It’s that durn house that we’ve been trying so hard to sell.  It think it loves us so much that it refuses to act right.

Also, more importantly, I still have to put away the Halloween decorations.

Even more important than that, I need to PUT UP the Thanksgiving Decorations.

Which I don’t really have, but would like to have. . .which means that I need to buy. . .

but seeing that there is a sewage problem at the house in Dallas, the buying part might be a problem.


Just going to take this day, one step at a time.

Try not to worry too much.

Figure out how I can get a 6 ft Blow-Up Turkey in my yard. . .

and just make lemonade out the lemons that I’m currently being handed.


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And let me tell you,

I’m being handed a lot.

Look in the back of my truck.


Those white plastic bags. . . .FULL OF LEMONS. Like one hundred trillion jillion lemons.

Life is already looking sweeter.

So don’t be surprised if I start throwing large quantities of lemon pies, lemon marmalade, and lemonade  your way:)




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Perfect Lemonade (Tastes Just Like

Chick FIL A Lemonade)

This lemonade is really sweet. And it is tart. My favorite way to drink it is in a tall glass filled with ice, and the lemonade poured on top. The richness of the lemonade is made crisp by the sharp cold of the ice, and the flavors become slightly subdued and mellow as you sip and talk, sip and talk. It is the ultimate accompaniment to a wonderful sit down meal.

makes 1 Gallon

3 cups lemon juice, with some pulp

2 cups granulated sugar*

10 2/3 cup water

Ice, for serving


*to make it Light substitute Splenda


1. Pour water into a gallon size pitcher.

2. Add lemon juice and sugar. Stir to dissolve.

3. Fill glass with ice. Pour lemonade on top. Serve.










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