Family Christmas Pictures. . . . The reject edition


I am in the thick of it.

The running around, all the hustle and bustle, you know.

I am so completely enthralled and consumed I could just burst right out in song.

The most wonderful part. . .

is that my family just chalks everything up to, ‘the holidays’.

I say, “Can you help me keep the house clean? Your cousins will be here for Thanksgiving soon.” They all nod their heads yes.

I play Christmas music 6 hours minimum everyday. Not one single complaint.

Warwick is fixing things I’ve begged him to take care of months ago.

And pictures, though they do it reluctantly. . .they do. . .because they know there can be no Christmas without a Christmas card. . .in which their faces grace the cover.

And so, my heart is happy.

Happy to be in this time and space with the crazies that I love.

Happy to have another year to capture us, and all of our beautiful imperfections. None of these pictures will be our chosen picture, because those nut jobs like a traditional picture. But these, if I were being honest, are all my faves, because they are imperfect. They are blurry, somebody is not paying attention, or somebody is pissed off.

THESE are us.

Wonderful, imperfect, flaws and all. What I love most.

20131122-075708.jpgWhat are we looking at? I don’t know. I just told them to ‘look over there’ and they did.

20131122-075743.jpgMY FAVORITE PICTURE OF ALL TIMES. This surely would be our Christmas pick if I could only persuade them. (from left to right) Soledad acting like a nut. Bella shocked. Shelbi pissed. Me clueless. Warwick confused. Phoebe smiling for the camera. That’s us in a nutshell.

20131122-080421.jpgWe’re sexy and we know it? That was a question. We aren’t sure.20131122-080440.jpgI look good. Which, I must tell you if the first rule of Christmas card picking. Does the Mommy look good? If she does not, throw it out. The others in this pick look good too, but. . .that durn baby isn’t looking at the camera, and I fear the grandmothers revenge if I choose this shot.

20131122-080502.jpgPhoebe looks sligthly demonic. OK for Halloween, not quite the look we are going for at Christmas. BUT, on second thought. . .I look good. . .so don’t be surprised if I pick it.

20131122-080527.jpgAll doll faces. Each. And. Everyone. But the eldest is refusing to schooch over and act like she loves her sisters. So the pick got the boot.

20131122-080555.jpgOh. My Lord. Its too perfect. This is not my children.

20131122-080540.jpgThe only thing this picture is missing. . . . ME. (okay, and Warwick.)

20131122-123150.jpgIts just wrong. Cute. But wrong.

20131122-123200.jpgPhoebe had a breakdown.20131122-075644.jpg

So I said to myself.. . .let’s take some outdoor photos. . .in the natural air. . .realistic. . .mosquitoes. . .snakes. . .you know. . .in a place we would never be, naturally. (left to right) Shelbi refusing to cooperate. Soledad frustrated but trying to act happy, Phoebe scared, Warwick unaware, Bella happy as ever, and ME. . ignoring them all.