My favortite Pumpkin BREAD/CAKE EVER. . .revisited.

it’s getting really close to halloween now. . .

not even three full weeks to go.

which is why i am not capitalizing any letters in this post.

i’m in much too much of a rush for all of that.

we’ll play a total of 6 ball games this weekend and their is laundry everywhere in this house.

clearly i’m getting on the 12 year olds nerves and the 7 year old is having a nervous breakdown.

the nine year old has a headache, and has turned slightly into the 12 year old with her study habits. Wanting to study ALL THE TIME.

You think this is good.

But it is not.

And the 4 year old.

well,  she is as cute as a button, that is all.

so i think today is going to be costume shopping day, because for some odd reason we seem to have some free time. After all, costumes are the most important part of Halloween.

Without telling you their costumes. . .I’ll give you a few hints. . . .

The 12 year old has plans on being a couple (with her best friend). . . .which is sure to be a little sticky.

The 9 year old, bless her heart, is going for TRADITIONAL, yet sweet.  i think. she could go the scank route. oh, lord. i’m not sure we’ve thought her costume through.

the baby, well she’s made me prouder than Esme Cullen at Edward and Bella’s Wedding. she has chosen the ULTIMaTE costume.

and the 7 year old, is changing her costume every five minutes. . . .but i think that has something to do with her nervous twitch and her nervous  breakdowns. if it doesn’t revolve itself by halloween we’ll just incorporate it into her costume.


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We have been so busy, that I have yet to make my ULTIMATE PUMPKIN BREAD.

Usually by Oct. 1, this puppy is made, sending wafting smells throughout the house and sending my family into pumpkin nirvana.


Then when I finally carved out 15 minutes to put this sucker together, I ended up at the Chinese Market. . .





and came home with way toooooo many pastries. So, we had to put this on hold for another week while I run a couple million miles to get the weight off.



My Favorite Pumpkin Cake/Bread (that you could make with your eyes closed – though it’ll be messy) in the Entire Universe
This is moist. This is succulent. This is heaven in a bundt pan. The top is is almost crunchy, like the most delectable muffin top. The inside most, yet weighty and will hold up to a dunk in your favorite cup of hot tea or coffee.

I’ve been making this exact cake since I was thirteen, and I KNOW I’ll never get tired of it. With just the right combination of spices and thick rich canned pumpkin puree, it’s sure to become your favorite too. Add nuts or raisins to suit your taste, but plain is perfect as well.


3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cups sugar
1 can (15 oz.) of pureed pumpkin (plain – NO SPICES ADDED) or 2 cups cooked & mashed pumpkin
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/4 cups canola oil
1 cup chopped nuts, optional (I like pecans and walnuts)


1. Preheat oven to 325. Grease and flour a bundt cake pan.
2. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together.

3. In a medium sized bowl, stir together pumpkin, eggs and oil until well combined.




4. Make a well in the dry ingredients, and add pumpkin mixture, and stir until smooth.
5. Pour mixture into a bundt cake pan and bake for 1 hour 10 minutes or until the cake tester comes out clean.*  Let cool 15 minutes. Remove from pan. Allow to cool and then cut and EAT!!!. Or just eat it when it cool enough not to burn your mouth.
If you prefer, you can use 2 9 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 2 inch loaf pans. Bake at 325 for 45 minutes.






5 thoughts on “My favortite Pumpkin BREAD/CAKE EVER. . .revisited.

  1. Sounds heavenly…or Halloweeny! I always make pumpkin spice muffins…super easy and supper yummy and the kiddos eat them up too! I’ll have to try this bread!!!

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