20 Fun Things to Do For Halloween




I’m Nicki Woo.

And I’m Crazy.

Crazy for Halloween that is.

Currently, my house is in shambles.

Clean laundry is on the couch.

Dirty dishes are in the sink.

My underarms are in need of scrubbin’.

But none of that matters.

BECAUSE TODAY IS OCTOBER 1ST, and that my friends is the start of . . . .my favorite season of all. . . . .HALLOWEEEEENNNNNN!

I will be dedicating this month to all things Creepy, Spooky, and Orange.

I will post for 31 days straight, and my children and husband will be neglected.

No matter.

They will have candy corn and scary delights to comfort them a plenty.

So. . . .

Sit back and enjoy this roundup of past Halloween projects and get ready for the succession of the next 31.

You’re rotten.

Your mother is a witch.

Your toes look like Toads.

Happy Halloween My Friends.

It’s going to be a good one.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Oh boy. I’m so excited.

Really, really. I am.

So, I’ll shut up now.

And just get to the show.


Here’s the round-up. Numbers correspond to the pictures. . .

Have fun a haunting!


1. Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

2. Pumpkin Muffins (2 ingredients!)

3. Giant Centipede

4. Chewy Caramel Popcorn Balls



5. Giant Witch Hats

6. Toxic Bite Cupcakes

7. Giant Yard Spider

8. Garage Silhouettes



9. Creepy Bird Silhouettes

10. Raven Never More

11. Jack O’ Lantern Chocolate Cake

12.  Beast Eyes



13.  Peanut Brittle

14. Sinister Subjects

15. Harry Potter’s Butter Beer

16. Witch Leg Topiary



17. Snake Wreath

18. My ABSOLUTE favorite Pumpkin Bread/Cake

19. Q Tip Kabobs

20. Pepitas! ~ Traditional Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Who knows what I’ll be up to this month!


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