Thrift Store Find: Covering A Toy Box With Contact Paper!

Two weeks ago and everyday since,

Phoebe has told me what a good girl she is.

It goes kind of like this. .

Phoebe (4): Mommy. MOMMY!

Me: Yes.

Phoebe: Mommy?

Me: Yeeesssss.

Phoebe: I don’t know why, but I’m always good. Like I’m never bad. Never.




Me: Yes. You are always good. You’re a sweet, sweet, girl.

Phoebe: I’m like the best one, right? Out of me, Shelbi, Bella, and Soledad. I’m the best one, right? They are always bad. And I’m never bad. I think I’m the best.

Me: Well. . .You are pretty wonderful.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

I should have known! I should have known!
Something must have been up in that cute little hair brained noodle of hers!

She went from doing nothing wrong to being A Tsunami in a Dress.
Yesterday, she destroyed her room.

But she said, I’m sorry so . . .I forgave her.

Last night, she jumped on her bed, AND BROKE IT.

This morning.
She smashed my blush to smither-eeeennnnssss. On purpose. And acted like she had no idea who did it.

And then she did one more thing, but I can’t remember because that hot mess! of a child is so cute that she totally has me under her spell.

And I know….tho’ I dare not tell her…. It’s all apart of growing up…pushing her boundaries… Trying out the world for size…..

Oh boy. I’m in a world of trouble.
I’m in a world of trouble.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Poor Feebs. Who can blame her?
She’s the fourth of 4 children and she’s got to get in where she fits in.
Anyway, she gets a lot of hand me downs, but I usually will toss it, if I can’t fix it up to look like new.

This is a toy box that I purchased at the thrift for $12.00.
I cleaned it up.
Washed it out.
And then purchased Contact Paper (@ The Dollar Store) and covered it.

She loves it.
And so do I.

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I’m also writing at The Houston Chronicle Today. Come by and say Hello!

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4 thoughts on “Thrift Store Find: Covering A Toy Box With Contact Paper!

  1. Super cute…daughter and like new toy box! I really don’t like our toy box. For starters, the boys never keep the toys in it…which I guess, really has nothing to do with the actual box! And 2, it’s just plain ugly and doesn’t match (or even coordinate) with a thing! I’ll see what I can do…this gives me hope!

    1. I know!!! I keep telling my kids there is a reason why they are not just called boxes!!! Hint, hint….toys should be inside:). I started counting, I think we are 5 toy boxes in various rooms. ….I don’t mind them so much when they’re pretty:)))) good to hear from you! I know those cuties are keeping you busy!

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