My Summer Reading List 2013. . . .Including A Discovery Of Witches. . .The TRILOGY!!!!!!

I’ve been walking around with a little bit of an accent lately.
A sort of . . .sophisticated twang.
I’m using bigger words . . . like “gather” in lieu of “pick up” when yelling at my children to clean up the house.
Normally, my voice is a bit high pitched, but I’ve elected to bring it down an octave, to create an aire of mystery.
And as I speak in my new sexy, 18th Century voice (could be 15th century. . .I’m no historian), I work in my garden. . .toiling (see I told you) over the weeds and ‘the like’ and conjuring (again;/) up ways to make potions of my own with herbs and gnarly cucumbers that will delight and amaze my children. And tho’ you may take me for odd, I have never had a garden last into August despite the 100 degree temperatures, that was still respectable enough to call a garden. And THAT. . .. I SOLELY attribute to my new found accent AND the after effects of reading books about witchcraft. I think its had a positive lingering effect on me.. . . .

THAT. . . .is a what a good book can do to me. Transform me. In time. In place. In space.
Pull me in so deep that even as my real life adventures pull me back into 21st Century . . . .I can not let go of the book.
So, just in case you want to know what I’m reading. . .and maybe you. . .like myself are just getting to your summer reading list. . .FEAR NOT. . . .the actual astronomical summer doesn’t end until September 21st, so technically you still have like a month and a 1/2 or so.
Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. It’s what I am reading this very minute. . even as I type. . .I just can’t put it down.
It’s the second book in the “A Discovery of Witches Trilogy”. The first book named as such, and the third book has not yet been released. I’d say its a bit of Harry Potter for adults. Tho’ tis a bit adult. Hint, hint. It can get slightly hot and steamy. . . . .if you know what hot and steamy is. But if you’ve never been in a room, that got hot and steamy, then you’ll be lost because you’ll never get the simile and metaphors the author uses to describe the ho-hum and the he-he. So. . . . . I guess if you have a teenager they could read it. . .and technically not understand whats going on. . .but in my most humble opinion. . .that would be a bad idea. . .save this book for adult eyes only. I say all of that to gently warn you. . .though there isn’t much bedroom talk in the book, which suits my taste quite well.. . .because honestly there is only so much I can stand . . . . The majority of the book is drama/ action/ adventure that will total delight you to the core.
Oh man its good. You must get this series.

So now I’m on to my other books. Which I can’t really recommend because I haven’t read them yet. . . but DUH . . .. that’s why they are on my TO READ List.

I can, however, tell you this.. . .I have a very good friend who has read all of these books. . .and we both have THE EXACT SAME TASTE in books , and these have come from her personal library. She told me I MUST read them.

So read them I will.

The CITY OF ASHES Series (City of Ashes, City of Bones, City of Glass). I’m not sure if there are more. . Umm. . .yeah. . .I just googled it . . .there are a lot more. . .

LEGEND by Jude Deveraux

Enders GAME . . .and one more by Nora Roberts. . . . its a collection of short stories. . .wait! I think I moved it. . .it’s not on my nightstand. . .let me go dig and see where it is. . ..

Here we go.
ONCE UPON A MIDNIGHT, and actually they are short stories. Published under Romance Anthology written by Nora Roberts, Jill Gregory, Ruth Ryan Langan, and Marianne Willman. I’m a little nervous about this book because I HAVE NEVER READ A ROMANCE BOOK (Twilight does not count). It feels a bit cheesy.

But. . .
I trust my friend.
So we shall see.
We shall see.

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