Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes Giveaway!!! And living in the moment. This moment. Not the next. Or the last. This one. This one. This one.

This week, my thing is. . . . .being in the moment.
It was supposed to be my thing last week, and the week before that, but I got mad too often.
Lost my mind, much too much.
And ummm. . .well. . .That doesn’t lean too much toward enlightenment, you know.

So here goes this weeks attempt toward peace and wonderment.
I sat, observed, and enjoyed my child’s (Soledad’s) SOLO (oh my goodness. oh my goodness. i’m gonna die. i’m gonna die)  performance in her 1st Grade Class Musical.
I was in the moment.
Tears fell from my eyes.

My heart skipped several beats.
I kissed her twenty million times.
I thought, Warwick and I are doing a good job.
And so is she.
But WE should definitely get ALL the credit.

I issued one pink heart lollipop, and watched the issuee (is that even a word?) eat it.

I noticed that every time Phoebe eats yogurt, she checks to make sure nothing is in it. And by nothing I mean no extraneous healthy bits. No fruit. No granola. No wayward spinach leaf.

And I noticed that I melt at the sign of nurseries.
Of the garden variety.
And I get to weeping when my husband shows any form of interest in buying flowers. or shrubs. or fertilizer.
I think it’s because it reminds me of the early days in our little family.
In our first house.
When there was only Shelbi.
When we planted the mess out of our yard.
Daisies, Plumeria, Lemon Grass. Anything we could get our hands on.
My nails were always dirty.
He always smelled like grass.

And I noticed. . .
that I also weep at any sign of the other type of nurseries.
You know.
The sweet poopy baby kind.
Because well. . .
My babies are all growing up.
In fact, I don’t even call them “baby”, that often anymore.
Ok. I do. But, it’s not literal anymore.

It’s been a good exercise.
Teaching me that my ‘babies’ are still ‘babies’. They still need me in a million different ways.
Look what I noticed, while noticing my tendency not to notice the moment.
Baby. Child. Children.
Cleaning their grubby little faces without even being asked.

Be still my beating heart.
And look her big sister helped her.
Be still that durn heart again.

Some other things I noticed.. . .

Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes

  • Don’t give my sensitive skin children (2 with eczema, all 4 with sensitivities) dry itchy skin.
  • No parabens! No synthetic fragrances! No phthalates!
  • Cloths are strong! They hold up to potty training residual dried on crusty messes that were wiped originally by 3 year olds, but ummm. . .not as good as they should have been:)
  • They are larger! You can use just one wipe, and cut down on waste, thus.. . . .saving money!
Other facts:
64 come in a pack
They are genius for wiping tears from crying mommy’s at 1st Grade Musicals, they clean dirty feet as well as dirty noses and potty training hineys. The flip top reclosable lid is great so that you can keep a spare pack handy in the car to rub down your odoriferous 8 and 12 year old children after basketball practice. Or husband after he’s been digging in the garden:)

• Suggested retail price for 64 is $2.99. Available at Target, Whole Foods and

AND NOW. . . .

Because I love you guys so. durn. much.
Because you know, I’m a SAP. SAP. SAP.
Because these days I’m into gardening nurseries and little baby nurseries, crying my eyes out, and wiping my kids butt off. . . .

I’m giving away . . . . . .

ONE 64-Count Package of Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes


Just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:

“What moments have been special to you this week? ”


One entry per person, please. Though you can share as many moments as you like. The more the merrier, the sweeter the juice. I don’t think that’s how that saying goes, but you follow me. You’re bright.

The Seventh Generation Free & Clear Wipes GIVEAWAY will end March 19th, 2013 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, March 20th, 2013. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using

Good Luck!

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And the winner is. . .

Kari Flores  

My husband is coming back from deployment in Africa today.
Please contact me at [email protected] in the next 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer:  I was invited to participate in this Seventh Generation campaign through my association with The Motherhood. ALL opinions are mine, always have been, much to the chagrin of my mother. Sorry mom.

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