Decorating a Pre-Teens Room With Instagram:) LOL. BFF. OMG.

Oh! Sweet App How I Love Thee!
And to think. . .you were purchased for free.
So why then, don’t I use you?
When then, do you linger on my phone like a pretty girl at a dance with no one to dance with?
I have made a commitment to tap on you more.
To tap on you and friend ‘friends’ that I do not know thru you.
I will find those said friends and look at their Instagrams.
I will laugh. Ha!
How funny!
How crafty!
How very, very, interesting. . . . .

And think to myself. . .

I’m fun, crafty, and interesting, I’ll post this odd picture of a bird in my yard.
Yes! Brilliant!
And then I will make some witty comment.
. . . .and caption it with LOL.
And I will be part of the fold.
I will.
Be a part of the fold.
And I will no longer be jealous of all the others.
The others who live their lives and share.
The funny, witty, and thought provoking.
It will make me better.
Or atleast,
I’ll have more pictures.
Which I think,
makes everyone better.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Guess what.
I’m still in Shelbi’s room. So is Phoebe.
Little by little, trying to make it a pre-teens room.
A room that is more . . . . her.
Now that I’ve made her the Personalized Pinboard and covered her plastic drawers with contact paper, I’m moving on to the center of the room, her ‘bed sprawling never going to make it up area.’  I bought her a new comforter, thinking it might provide some incentive for her to make it in the morning. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure she was tired of the ballerinas on the old one. Not that she was ever the dancing type.
Black and White Damask. OMG. She luvs damask. I’m not LOLing. She totes LUVs it. 
And then . . . .I had a mind blowing idea.
Or a good idea at least. 
Actually, I thought of this like 2 months ago, but you know. . .sometimes it takes me a while to implement. 
Instagram Pics on the Wall Behind Her Bed!
Mind Blowing, right???
Jumping on the bed, not so mind blowing.
Or brilliant.
Phoebe! Knock. It. Off.
Your behavior.
Not the picture frames on the wall.
Shelbi is on Instagram, and I follow her posts religiously.
She has to tell me before she posts anything (as I require permission for anything that remotely has to do with the freedom ), and I’ve been noticing the pics she takes are beautiful. wonderful. funny. well. thought. out.
So me thinks i will . .
Put them on her wall.
I wanted something in her room to remind her how great her life is.
How pretty she is.
What fantastic friends she has.
And. . .
How much I  love her.
To do this for her, without her asking.
Or knowing.
Just cuz.
Now.. . .I’ll break it on down.
Black and White Damask Comforter is from Wal-Mart. $40-$45 
Picture frames were purchased at THE DOLLAR TREE! 16 frames = $16 dollars
And the prints. . . were only 78 cents per 8 X10 (plus shipping) ordered from $12.48 plus 7 dollars shipping.
Click her For a quick tutortial on how to hang pictures the fast and easy way.
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