Fingerling Potato Salad, A Note to Nana, and CLEAN FOOD by Terry Walters GIVEAWAY!!!!

Dear Mommy ( I call my mom ‘mommy’, sue me.),
I meant to share this with you last month, but alas time has gotten away from me. These are photos of Phoebe’s first Musical Program, and I thought you’d get a kick out of all of her silly expressions. The first photos are of her getting ready for the big event.
I’ll narrate as I post the pics.

She poses now. For every. single. picture. Just like her big sister Soledad. Whom she screams at. ALL THE TIME. Yet, she acts just like her. I know. I know. OH NO.
Here she is, in her classroom before the program. She loves her teacher. One time she gave her a ‘tight, tight, hug’ and Phoebe fell off the sidewalk because she said she loved her so much. Isn’t that just crazy wonderful?
Her sisters enthusiastically waiting her arrival.
Her entrance, as she zoomed by. She was quite excited. She SCREAMED when she saw me. She wasn’t supposed to. She acted as if she was surprised I came. Which was shocking since I dropped her off and had just seen her 5 minutes prior. She’s odd. Just like her sisters.
On stage. Dead center. Right after she screamed and hollered for Soledad to notice her. Again. A no-no. She seemed surprised that Soledad came. Even though she was in the car with us, when we dropped her off. Tell me I was more aware as a child.
Angels. Sweet Angels. That may or may not have been digging up their noses while holding another persons hand and singing in the class program. Note to self. Tell Phoebe to stop holding ‘someone’s’ hand if they are digging their nose with it.

And after . . . . with her sisters and Grammi. One sister was in a bad mood. And refused to be included in all of the pictures. I told that other sister, not to come crying to me when she’s 35 and asking why I don’t have any pictures of her. I’ll refer her back to this letter.

And some bonus footage of the next day, at her classroom party. She’s turning out to be quite the bossy pants.
Mommy, I miss you terribly. And I hope to see you soon. But for now I hope these pictures fill you up with warmth and love. 
A big hug and a fat wet kiss from all 6 of us.
All my love,
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All I want is for my family to live well and be well.
My mom.
My daughters.
Myself and my husband.
It’s my one true, crazy mad wish.
When I was 25, and round with a big fat pregnant belly, I prayed a deep an earnest prayer. I asked that God allow me to be a Wayward, a healer of boo boos, a connector of families, a leader in all the things that mattered in my life. I prayed to be a good mom. Like my mother was to me. Still is to me.
I think that God answered my prayer through food.
I suddenly realized the great connection between what we put in our mouths and mind, spirit, and love.
It relates to everything we do.
The connections we make through dinner conversations.
The love only our hands can add to a dish we prepare ourselves.
It’s so simple.
Bright. Vibrant. Healthful. And Delicious.
Will make you feel the same.
Will make you be the same.
Though. . . .
Sometimes I need a reminder. A nudge. A guide.
To help introduce new foods and make clean food a part of my everyday life.
Yesterday, I think I got a nudge.
Beautifully written with over 250 recipes, this hard-bound cookbook and resource book is laden with eye popping photos of wonderful recipes like Roasted Portobello Sandwich with Sun Dried Tomato Aioli, sweet potato and parsnip pancakes, fresh berries with tofu cream, sweet potato and black bean burritos with cashew cheese, chocolate pecan pie, and an entire section dedicated to quick healthful snacks that you can eat on the run.
The book is divided into sections, according to season. So, it makes it easy to find the best recipes to suit your palette now.
Walters gives a non-preaching reminder that eating clean and living well can be simple. She writes,  “there are no nutritional supplements that will replace the love and good intention infused in a home-cooked meal. The cleaner we eat, the clearer we think, and the better we can embrace good health and nutrition”.
I can get with that.
And I’m sure you can too.
Here’s to the simple life.
The Clean Food Life.
May we all eat clean. And live well.
AND. . . 
While we’re at it.
I think we should Eat well and Live clean.
Because who wants hungry dirty people roaming around. I’m just sayin’.
And on that note, just to insure that we are all on the same page.
Clean Food.
Clean People.
Living Well.
Eating Lots.
I think we need to give away a Cookbook, just to make sure we are all fighting the good fight.
TO ENTER for a chance to WIN:

Just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:

“What is your favorite Clean Food/Recipe? ”


One entry per person, please. Let’s keep it clean, people(get it? get it?).

The CLEAN FOOD GIVEAWAY will end January 30th, 2013 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on Thursday, January 31st, 2013. Entrants limited to US and Canada. They will be chosen randomly using

Good Luck!


Gianna : Minestrone
Please contact me at [email protected] in the next 48 hours. If no contact is made another winner will be chosen.
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And for you. . .
Because I love you. . .
A little taste of love.
From the pages of  Clean Food.
Fingerling Potato Salad
with Fresh Herbs
Reprinted from Clean Food: A Seasonal Guide to Eating Close to The Source © 2012 by Terry Walters. Permission from Sterling Epicure, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.  Photography by Gentl & Hyers

THIS RECIPE SATISFIES THOSE IN MY FAMILY who crave traditional potato salad, and the fresh herbs make me feel like I’ve added my own special touch and a little extra love. The first time I made it was with the most beautiful purple carrots from the farmers market. When I sliced them into rounds, I discovered that their insides were orange. What a gorgeous potato salad that was!


1 pound French fingerling potatoes (or small potato variety of choice)
3 carrots (vary color if possible), peeled and cut into 14-inch slices
2 large garlic cloves, minced
14 cup minced red onion
3 tablespoons chopped chives
2 tablespoon minced sage
2 tablespoon thyme leaves (or lemon thyme leaves)
3 tablespoons grapeseed oil mayonnaise
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Fill Dutch oven or medium pot half way with water. Wash potatoes, cut into bite-size pieces and place immediately in pot of water (to prevent browning). Place pot on stove over high heat, cover partially
and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Add carrots and simmer 5 minutes longer or until potatoes are tender (time will vary according to size of potatoes). Drain potatoes and carrots in a colander and rinse with cold water to stop vegetables from cooking further. Set aside to cool slightly.

In large bowl, combine garlic, onion, chives, sage and thyme. Add  cooled potato mixture and mayonnaise and fold to combine all ingredients. Season to taste with plenty of salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil as desired. Toss one more time and serve at room temperature or chilled slightly.

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The author, Terry Walters will be doing the online event at 7pm EST this Thursday. Here’s the link if you’d like to watch!:
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