I was a bit of a witch with a ‘b’ yesterday.
I screamed and hollered about not being able to do IT ALL.
I think I may have thrown the top to the blender across the kitchen. Or that could have been the day before yesterday, but I definetly threw it.
I witched and moaned about football being on the television ALL THE TIME.
And then I watched two games in a row because I was too lazy to get up and change the channel.
After giving Warwick a glaring look, a huff, and an exhausted roll of my shoulders he relented and watched the SNL Election skits with me.
When I fell asleep, he woke me up and walked me to our bed, then tucked me in.
When I mumbled that our bedroom TV wasn’t working, he got up from his football game and fiddled with the TV in my room.
Whenever I ask him to do anything, he almost always does it.
He kisses me on my cheek and tells me he loves me.
He will always pick me before football.
I don’t know why I yell at him.
He works just as hard as I do. He just knows how to take a break, when I don’t.
I’m learning though. And hopefully he sees that I’m trying.
Especially when I frantically race to transform our bedroom into the third installment of our Anniversary present, IN ONE HOURS TIME, while he is at Volleyball Practice with Shelbi.
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