Tortilla Pizza and My Birthday Highlights


I waited in line at the DMV for 45 minutes to renew my drivers license. I was by myself. I chewed a piece of gum and didn’t share. .. .and. . .I read a book. It was nice.

While I was at the DMV, Lucky peed on the floor and rolled in it. Warwick said he didn’t smell, but he did. So I gave him a bath and he stood moderately still.

We ate SUSHI for lunch!!!! Nobody ever wants to eat Sushi with me, but on my birthday. . .not one single complaint:)

We early voted. I love pretending that I’m republican just to get the pamphlets.
Warwick rented me “The Descendants” for my birthday evening.  I fell asleep towards the end.
15 minutes free time.  I ran outside and watered my garden.
Dinner at one of my fave sandwich shops, Potbelly. Even though my 11 year old hates sandwiches, she only complained a little.
I’m still basking in the glow of my birthday last week.
It was a beautiful day.
I did EVERYTHING I wanted to do. And the things that didn’t fit into the schedule, got put on a list to DO SOON.

It wasn’t a particularly different day than normal, but it was splendid. Just splendid.
And I’m wondering if it was that way because I was determined to make it great. Which begs the question, can everyday be my birthday? I mean, can everyday be LIKE my birthday? Do I only have to wake up and decide that TODAY is going to be a great day, and it will?

I hope so.
I’m going to try it out tomorrow.
Wish me luck.

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I think I may be on to something.
Living the laid back, easy going, life.  Always believing its gonna be A-OKAY.

Bellies will always be full.
Children will never complain.
Only minimal effort will be made.

It’s all about the positivity.

And just as soon as I thought those thoughts, I realized it was 3:25 pm and my kids would be home in 20 minutes famished.

And then a new thought came to my mind.
Tortilla Pizza.
This glass half full perspective seems to really be working out well.

Tortilla Pizza
These take 2 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to bake. Such a lovely filling snack or mealr that will have you praising the laid back, easy going life.


5 Whole Wheat Tortillas (or your fave)
8 oz. Tomato Sauce
Grated Low fat Mozzarella Cheese
Turkey Pepperoni slices (or your favorite toppings)


1.)  Preheat oven to 425.
2.) Place tortillas onto silpat lined baking sheet.

Spoon about 3 TB of Tomato Sauce onto each tortilla.

Sprinkle with cheese.

Top with pepperoni.

3.) Bake for 10 minutes until the cheese is bubbly and the crust is golden brown.  Slice and serve warm.

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