Ashley’s Sloppy Tacos (Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Tacos with black beans, corn and tomatoes)

February 15th

Me:  I really thought you were going to buy me the Breaking Dawn Part I DVD for Valentine’s Day.

Warwick: Oh.

Me: I mean I didn’t really expect a present, but I kinda did. You always buy me something.

Warwick:  Yeah. Well, time was running out, and I was going to but. . . . . . then I didn’t.

Me: Buy me a present?

Warwick: Yeah. Buy you the DVD.

Me:  Oh.

I was looking at all the DVD’s and I couldn’t figure out which one to get. The one with the life size poster? The one with the white cover? The two disk copy with the picture of that guy on the front.

Me: ANY copy would have great. But, ummm.. . . 2 disc copy is always a safe bet. And a picture of that guy would have been good too.

Him:  Okay.

Me: But . . . . . . . . I did like the card you gave me. It was really nice. If you really meant all those things the author of the card wrote.. . . . ..  for me . . . .from you.

Him: Yeah, I did. I meant them. I started to get you a Twilight Card, but then I thought it was too corny.

Me: I like corny.

Him: Okay. Maybe I’ll get it next time.

Me: Okay. Just remember, the card is for ME. You don’t have to like it, if you know I will.  That’s why I put back the Charlie Brown cute Valentine’s card for husbands, and got you that card that said “Please DO ME for Valentine’s Day.” I thought you would like it.

Him: I did. I do.

Me: Good. You know, you can still buy the DVD. The store didn’t sell out.

Him: Okay. We’ll go and pick it out together.

Me: Really?

Him: Yes.

Me: Okay. I’d like that. I love you.

Him: Love you too.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Well, ours is a bit of a Sloppy Love Story.
And our Valentine’s Day was sloppy as well.

But it was nice.
Low key.
He came home early from work and helped me cook dinner, Steaks, Shrimp and Salad.
Blackberry Cobbler for dessert.
The kids ate up a vat full of candy that they got from school.
Two softball practices and an episode of Parenthood later, I was knocked out.

My favorite part of the day was when my eyes were drifting shut, and he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead and told me he loved me.

Sloppy can be a really good thing.

Ashley’s Sloppy Tacos
My buddy Ashley gave me this recipe. She is the mama to my sweet Bella’s best friend since kindergarten. I love her. She’s funny, crazy, and is just one of those people who makes your life better in a million different ways.

Anyway, Ash is the Queen of quick, nutritious meals and she rambled this one off to me last week while we were at the gym.
“Chicken Breast, Corn, Black Beans, Cream Cheese, Tomatoes, Crock Pot. . . . DONE!” She boasted.
I thought, sounds too good to be true.
But it wasn’t.
You probably have all the stuff in your pantry to make it tonight.
Just grab some frozen chicken and five minutes and let it ride.

1 1/2 – 2 pounds chicken breast
1 – 28 oz can Rotel tomatoes
1 8 oz block of cream cheese (I used the 1/3 less fat variety)
8 oz frozen corn
1 – 15 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained
whole wheat tortillas
1 onion, chopped
Cilantro, optional
Sour Cream, optional

1. Add all the ingredients to your slow cooker, cover and cook on HIGH for 6 hours.

2. Remove chicken and shred. Place chicken back in the slow cooker. Mix well.

3. Serve with tortillas and garnish with cilantro, sour cream, and cheddar cheese.

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