Thanksgiving Eve Dinner: Healthy Choice Top Chef Cafe Steamers

This is where I am today. In my car, on my way to my sister’s house, typing away to you because you’re such a great listener.
It’s 24 hours before Thanksgiving Dinner is due on the table, and I’m stressed the mess out.
I went to Walmart at midnight, Tom Thumb at 6am, and still I have no crystallized ginger. Guess what I’ll be making from scratch later on today. Hope it’s easy.
My hair is scraggly, I want to get it chopped off, and Warwick got all tiffy because I prefer to get my locks cut at inappropriate times. Meaning when I should be roasting a turkey.

My sister hates me, because well, she’s my sister. Which is fine by me, because I hate her too.  I’m betting that she’ll love me once again tomorrow when she tastes my Drunken Brined Turkey or Lemon Meringue Pie. If not, oh well, more for me.
And now, my destiny is such that I am going to sequester myself to the kitchen, chin down, elbows tucked in,madly cooking my way into Thanksgiving Day.
Here’s what’s on our menu.. . . . .
Turkey & Honey-Glazed Ham
Kale Salad (Kale with dried cranberries, toasted slivered almonds, crystallized ginger, roasted pumpkin seeds, and orange sesame dressing)
Corn, Tomato, Scallion and Bacon Salad
Watergate Salad
Rolls and Cranberry Jelly
Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese, Dirty Rice, Cornbread Dressing, Mustard Greens
Chocolate Pecan Pie, Traditional Pecan Pie, German Chocolate Cake, Almond Cherry Bars, and Lemon Meringue.
And all of this will be cooked soon. Very soon.
And my children will expect to eat. Which they will. TOMORROW.
Because whose bright idea was it to feed children on the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. That’s impossible. Unless I order up a pizza, or go by the burger joint, and slide greasy Chinese down their throats.
But I look at their beautiful little greedy faces and I just can’t do it.
Not that I’m opposed to fast food. I’m not. But, I just feel as if we are going to subject ourselves to a gluttonous fever of starches, desserts and tryptophan then one must approach it carefully, with at least a days worth of nutritious healthy foods to adequately provide a pillow of comfort for the big day.
It’ll help us maximize our feast filling capacities.
So instead, for dinner I’ll be serving Healthy Choice Top Chef Inspired Café Steamers. Pop them in the microwave for 3 minutes, and guess what. Dinner is served.
What I like about it:
It’s easy and fast.
It delicious. You can taste the freshness and quality of high quality ingredients. Bits of garlic, fresh tomatoes, basil leaves tickling your tongue (Chicken Marguerita with Balsamic Sauce)
The steaming technology (or ummm. . .steam dish with holes in it) lets the pasta cook al dente, while the veg steams to the perfect crispness.
It comes in a plethora of flavors to please the multitude of palettes in my family. . . . .
Barbeque Seasoned Steak with Red Potatoes
Chicken Fresca with Chardonnay
Chicken Linguini with Red Pepper Alfredo
Chicken Margherita with Balsamic
Grilled Chicken Marinara with Parmesan
Grilled Chicken Pesto with Vegetables
Grilled Vegetables Mediterranean with Rice
Roasted Chicken Marsala with Mushrooms
AND. . . . .The PIECE DE RESISTANCE. . . . . . . . .
The suggested retail price is $2.75 – $3.50 (was only $2.48 at my Wal-Mart) which is cheaper than anything I would have purchased from a fast food joint.
So, my friends, I hope your day is going well, and you’re not a crazy mess like me. But if you are, do this one little thing for yourself. DON’T COOK DINNER TONIGHT. Let someday else do it for you.
It could be the one thing that saves Thanksgiving.
Or any day for that matter.
– For more information, visit or
Disclaimer: This is post was sponsored by Healthy Choice and their new line of meals inspired Top Chef.   I was invited to participate in this campaign through my association with The Motherhood. But as always, all opinions are mine, and I do really feel as if these meals are the shiznit. Which means good. Great. Delightful. Yummy. I could eat these for every meal. Yes, that is what that means. You can look it up. J
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