10 Fast Fix Snacks My Kids Love

So it’s the first week of school, and I’m slightly scatter-brained.
Everything is going well. I think. Well if you don’t count. . .

  • The wrong bus tried to pick up my kids at the bus stop.

  • The right bus is picked them up 25 minutes late and dropped them off 45 minutes late.

  • Bella went to the bus rider line, the one day I wanted her to go to the car rider line.

  • Shelbi suddenly doesn’t want to do homework. EVER AGAIN.
  • Soledad forgot to wear shorts under her skirt. Which made me run to school with a pair of shorts in a mad panic to prevent the little boys from calling her ‘Underwear Soledad’ or ‘Panty Patty’ in PE. Only to find out, with sweat dripping from my brow, that I was 10 minutes too late, PE was over AND she did in fact have on shorts, and I’m a big idiot.
  • And to top it all off, turns out that Phoebe is the bossiest 2 year old EVER. And the dog is going to think his name is ‘No, no. Bad Woggy.’

Long live education.

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Guess what I just saw 2 minutes ago.

The dog on the floor drinking out of the baby’s bottle. Never mind that she’s a toddler and she shouldn’t be drinking out of a bottle, NEITHER SHOULD THE DOG. Please people. Let’s stay focussed.

Which reminds me, ever since school started the dog is very hungry.
Which in turn reminds me that my kids are ALWAYS hungry.
 Even hungrier when they get home from school.

Oh look. There’s one passed out on the floor now.
I better go get all those crazy animals something to eat, before they start chomping on me. In the meantime, feel free to look at this compilation of their favorite snacks.I probably could have come up with 12 Fast Fixes, but I’m tired and slightly lazy. Please don’t judge.

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10 Fast Fix Faves

Tortilla Roll-Ups – Turkey, cheese, & Salsa on a Whole Wheat Tortilla microwaved for 20 seconds. Rolled up and served warm.

Peanut Butter and Banana on Crackers (graham or club crackers work well).


Rice Cake with Whipped Strawberry Cream Cheese and Jelly (or homemade thick berry syrup pictured). 
Trail Mix of Dried Fruit (Pineapple and Cherries), walnuts, and cereal.

12 Grapes and 7 Sugar Snap Peas (idea inspired by Parents Mag.)

Mini Sammies – Honey Ham, Provolone, Sweet Pickles, with Mustard, Mayo, Whole Wheat, crust removed and a Berry on top!

Steamed Edamame served with Soy Sauce for Dipping ( This is my 7 year old’s #1 pick. Cooked from frozen package found in freezer veggie section. Follow instructions on bag, sprinkle with kosher salt. Serve with low sodium soy sauce if desired)

Rice Cake with Low Fat Cream Cheese and Fresh Mango (serve fruit on the side or on top)

Fresh Berry Smoothie – Any combination will do. (1 cup berries, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup ice, 1/4 cup yogurt/optional, and honey to sweeten. Add protein powder to add more energy power.)

Apple Nachos – Cut up Apples with nuts, caramel and chocolate sauce drizzled on top.

What do you feed yourself , your kids, or dog for that matter after a long full day?

9 thoughts on “10 Fast Fix Snacks My Kids Love

  1. Those are great ideas, I usually give tons of fruit and veggie snacks to my kids. That is all my boy will eat right now plus crackers cookies bread and tons of milk.  Of course everyone loves edamame.

  2. I think your woggy is cute and my toddler drinks from a bottle still too but don’t tell anyone.  Also now I’m craving apple nachos.

  3. I hope you get a photo of the woggy next time she finds the bottle…..hahahaha  I just made kale chips (wash kale, cut out stem, 350 oven, layout on parchment paper, salt and pepper, bake 12-15 min) They turned out great and I saw lots of posts where moms said their kids love them – I think they’re pretty good…worth a try maybe.

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