Star Fleet Wine Dinner, Kemah TX

Yesterday I dreamt, a little.

I put on my new shoes.
With my freshly painted toes.

I grabbed my new purse.
my pretty new blouse,
my handsome husband, and we drove 10 miles and I dreamt.

I walked up the ramp to a pretty little Yacht,

shook the hand of the captain, and I dreamt, and I dreamt, and I dreamt some more.

He asked if this was our first time on the cruise. All the participants said “Yes.”  He said, “This is my first time too!”  Yeah. He’s got jokes. Very Funny Mr. Captain Man 🙂

In my dream there was a soulful sounding Singer named Danny Ray, who narrated my vision so coolly. His voice like velvet singing me lullabies of all my favorite music.

We were served a three course meal, with a wine pairing for the salad, another for the meal, and yet another for the dessert. A cute, funny and immensely knowledgeable Sommelier, Debbie Gallington, walked us through the flavors, smells, and richness of the wines.

A smoky, vanilla wine, with hints of Meyer lemon, lime, pear, and apple was coupled with the salad. The name: Chateau St. Jean Fume Blanc (2009). Delightful.

A deep succulent red was served with dinner. Hints of brown spice, raspberries, plum, and black cherry danced on my lips. It was a Gloria Ferrer Pinot Noir (2007), and it was paired with a Bayou Style Chicken and  lightly battered fish. I sucked the wine down happily. Never have I loved a red so richly.

For dessert, we dined on Chocolate Cake and Cheesecake with a strawberry sauce. Sweet Poseidon. And then, oh. my. goodness. Deb introduced us to Umber Fiore Moscato (2010) and I wept. Aromas of peach, with a light floral essence. Sweet, with a spark of acid. Crisp, with a bit of a zing! Refreshing, aromatic, and definitely something I’ll be buying to keep in my home.

And all the while we cruised. Listening to music. Enjoying our food. And having lovely conversation, while soaking in the sites from our own backyard.

I told Mr. Woo, that I really need to take a photography course, because I’m not very good at composition, lighting, and anything at all that has to do with taking good pictures. Well, except for taking pictures of my feet. I do that well. And Mr. Woo commenced in bossing me around, and telling me how to take photographs. Because you know, he knows EVERYTHING.

I’ll have you know I may get hell for posting this picture. He won’t like it one bit.
But, here he is, being bossy.  I couldn’t  help myself.
He just looks so cute when he thinks he knows everything.

Then, I ignored Mr. Woo and started taking pictures of Galveston Bay and Clear Lake. Did you know that we are the 3rd largest boating community in the US? We are.  And thank goodness they didn’t hire me as their PR person.  I would have screwed that one up.

Kemah, TX. The Boardwalk. A place to play, eat, and have a good time.

Pretty prehistoric bird. Ugly in a modern sort of way.
But I love them, I just do.

Mr. Woo says this house screams “Tony Montana”.  I think he wants to buy it.

And then they brought us back home, to the dock, and I was a very happy person.
Especially when I found out, it wasn’t a dream.

This really is my life, sometimes.

For more information on Star Fleet Cruises: go to
Find them on Facebook:
Follow them on Twitter: @starfleetevents
Want more information about the wines? Go visit Deb at her Coffee and Wine Bar Mainly Drinks.

Want to see Danny Ray, live? Check out his  FaceBook page.

Star Fleet Wine Dinner (other cruises available)
Cost to Me: Free
Retail Price: $79 per person

Disclaimer: I received 2 tickets to the Star Fleet Dinner Cruise for review purposes. No other compensation was given. All opinions are strictly my own.  As they always will be, because my momma told me not to lie. Love Y’all!

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17 thoughts on “Star Fleet Wine Dinner, Kemah TX

  1. First, I died laughing when I read your comment on my post (as I do most days….).  Thank you for always keeping me in stitches! 

    Second, I am so glad you had such a good time on the dinner cruise!  You look beautiful and you and your husband make quite an attractive couple.   

    1. Oh, Alexis, you always know what to say to make me happy, happy, happy!

      I’m going to go tell Warwick right now that you said I’m attractive (not
      him, he’ll get a big head). Plus, he said the last photo of me looked like I
      was drunk. I said I thought I looked cute and sexy. Drunk people can be
      cute and sexy, right?

  2. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! My whole family lives in Seabrook! My folks, both my grown up kids, all four of my g-kids and my brother. Actually my brother lives in one of those “Tony Montana” houses on Clearlake. I travel there at least 4 times a year. Synchronicity is hard at work once again!
    I think you did a fab foto with the pelicans. That’s frame-able!  But you do take awesome feet fotos!

    Loved this!

    1. WOW!!!! That is so great!

      Okay, so now that our synchronicity is aligned, you must be sure to let me
      know when you come down, and we can meet for lunch somewhere close. It’s
      destined to happen. That is hilarious. I just told my husband, and he got
      the giggles 🙂

      Thanks for the encouragement on my picture taking skillz, that I don’t have.
      I keep thinking I just need a better camera, but then if I shell out the
      money, and the pictures still look bad, I might throw up.

      1. I’ll be in Seabrook sometime in the third week of July and we’ll meet for lunch. Woo hoo! Then I’ll give you photo tips and you can give me blogging tips. But more important than that, for the benefit of our little farmer’s market support group, you can tell me where you go to find great produce. I went to the one in Kemah last time but wasn’t very impressed – maybe it’s improved. I’d love to find a farm to take the kids to when I come. 

        This is sooo cool!

        1. I can’t wait! Actually, the farmers market has improved, I just haven’t gone to it since the improvement. They moved it a few blocks up, so now its right across the street from the visitor center. And it’s larger, and it even looked to me, when we drove by last week that they have little mini bars set up, hosted by different restaurants? Maybe, I’m not sure. I’ll have to check.!

          Can’t wait to meet you in person!

    1. You are so pretty too. Oooh that sounded bad. Like I’m agreeing with you
      that I’m pretty. Ouch. But I do think you are very pretty. Thought so the
      first time we met, and everytime since. And. . . . .you are very photogenic.
      No big shiny, greasy foreheads holding you down. I’m not bitter.

  3. I like your photos and I think you have a good eye!  You and your hubby are so cute together.  I am glad you got to have such a fun date.

  4. Oo la la!  Glam-or-ous!!  That looks like heaven.  Heaven!  And you?!  Hottie boomalottie!

    1. You have to always stay in my life because you use words like hottie boomalottie, ever expanding my vocabulary. I luvs me some u!

  5. Well I tell no lies either….and this is not an opinion…true facts….about Start Fleet…We purchased a gift certificate in 2011 for my husband’s birthday; however, my husband was severely injured and lost sight in one eye and his job. The gift certificate expired this year 2012, and now Star Fleet refuses to honor or at least credit half of the certificate for future use. DO NOT PURCHASE  a gift certificate for they are only good for one year….and if you do not use it…..God forbid that something occur in your life that you cannot use it that year….Star Fleet just took your money…….Bad business ethics….talk about stealing people blind!!!!!

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