The Part-Time Vegan by Cherise Grifoni and Indian Curry Lentil Soup

Dear Self,

You are not a Vegan. You are not a Vegan. You are not a Vegan.  I know you got this new book, and the recipes are all “fantastic”, but seriously. . . .YOU EAT MEAT.


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Dear Me,

Gosh. You are so full of yourself.  I never said I was Vegan. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like Vegan food. You know, it’s really good for you. It has vegetables. You know stuff that comes from the earth? It’s real food. You should be proud of me for trying.  Can I get a little support here?



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Dear Self,

Don’t try and fool yourself.  You fell for it hook, line, and sinker.  Sure the book says “Part-Time Vegan”. Please. That’s what THEY want you to think.  The next thing you know you’ll only be cooking Lentils and your poor husband will wither away into skin and bones.  Is that what you want?

Try and be reasonable,


PS- You know your O+.  That’s the oldest blood type. You really need meat.  You’ll faint without it.

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Dear Me,

Stuff it.  With lentils and carrots, and this really yummy recipe I found for Hummus.  And while your at it, bite me and this Delectable Date cookie that I just whipped up.  I’m throwing Part-Time Vegan in my knap sack, along with some granola and Birkenstocks. And I’m taking my kids, and my husband, and my Lentil Soup with me. You know why? Because we all love it, that’s why.  Loved it so much that I made it on Monday, and it was gobbled up in minutes. On Tuesday, my kids requested I make it AGAIN!!!!  TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!! Do you hear me? And they ate it all up the second day too.

Wanna know why? Because they are Part-Time Vegans and damn-it, so am I.

Do with that, what you will. I’m out of this booch.



PS- The recipes are ridiculously quick to fix and easy to read and follow.  That’s all I’ve ever wanted out of a cookbook.  And if you REALLY knew me, and loved me, you would be happy that I have found happiness in being a sometimes waffling, choose when I want to be a Vegan type of person.
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I really had this conversation in my head.
It was rather enlightening.
I’m not sure what I learned from it, other than I may have some deep seeded issues in lentils.

Anyway, I’m not kidding, this book was really fantastic. It opened my eyes to a new way of cooking, simply, beautifully, and healthfully.  Every recipe wasn’t for me, but many, many, were.  I’ve already made my version of  her Zucchini Fries, and of course the now famous in my house, Indian Curry Lentil Soup.

Vegan or Not.  I think you’ll like this book.
There aren’t any pictures. Which I thought would be a downer. But honestly it didn’t even matter.
Because there were over 201 Fantastic, Easy and Delicious Recipes.
I read it from cover to cover. And then all over again.
You can get Part Time Vegan: 201 Recipes That Put the Fun in Flexitarian by Cherise Grifoni HERE.
And you can check Cherise out her at her blog Your Vegan Zombie.
Now go make this soup.
And make double for tomorrow.

Indian Curry Lentil Soup
Serves 4

If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking. . . . .Yum. But Where’s the Curry? Well, don’t look at me.  Okay, look at me. Curry can be any combination of spices, but usually includes tumeric, cumin, and corriander. I’m usually not all that excited about curry. But I LOOOVVVVEEEE this Soup. With like 50 O’s, 66 V’s, and 39 E’s. I just didn’t want to type them all out.  I thought it would be overkill. I’m rambling. Sorry. Here’s the soup recipe.

1 onion, diced
1 carrot, sliced
2 whole cloves
2 tablespoons vegan margarine
1 teaspoon tumeric
1 teaspoon cumin
1 cup yellow or green lentils, uncooked
2 3/4 cups vegetable broth
2 large tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1. In a big stock pot on high heat, brown the onion for about 3 minutes in the vegan margarine. Toss in the carrot and cloves, letting them absorb the flavor.

2. Add the tumeric and cumin, toasting them for 2 minutes. Remember to keep stirring this one! You don’t want anything to stick. You might cry. I do.

3. Lower the heat to medium-low, adding all ingredients aside from the lemon juice and black pepper. Simmer, covered, for 45 minutes. Check lentils to make sure they’re all cooked before you take the soup off the heat.

4. Season with lemon juice and black pepper. Serve.