Crockpot Barbeque Pulled Pork Sandwiches

What do you do?

When the air is thick, and the clouds are looming?

What do you do?

When the midnight blue of the sky, marks an ominous feeling in your heart, what can you do?


There’s the crack of the bat against the ball as it diligently soars chasing the stars.

It makes its arc, turning full circle, and it begins its descent toward the ground.

She looks up.

Glove in hand.
Eyes on the ball.

It’s falling, falling, falling.

Crack. Snap? Definitely. . . . . WHAP.

Right in the noise.

There’s blood. Lots of it.

He motions for an ice-pak.  Tilts her head back, and yells across the field, “It could be broken.”

The blood doesn’t stop.
Pouring out of her noise.
Tears line her face.

She tugs away. Headed towards me.

Do I go?  Do I walk? Do I run?  She needs me, right? Maybe not.

If I go, surely she’ll break.  Break into sobs, a torrential fit of tears and cries.

He’s calling for me now.  He says they need me.

Dad rounds the corner from behind the bleachers. Relief hits. I push him in her direction.

If he goes, she will be stronger.  She’ll find strength in his touch, that would melt by my presence.

She walks toward me, light controlled sobs.

Her new pink sweatshirt.
Dyed in crimson.

Glove. Black and purple.
Splattered in red.

Face. Defeated. Poised. On the brink of breaking.

The blood slows.

She’s embarrassed.
But resolved.

I whisper “I love you. You’re strong.  I’m so proud of you.”

She sits.
She waits.
She wipes her tears.
Grabs her bat.
And goes out to hit.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  –

Ummmm. . . .I don’t think this needs to be said but uhhhhh. . . .if that had been me I would have been boo-hoo-hoo’in all the way to grave.

Because 1.) I would have died after I saw all that blood.


2.) Just in case I didn’t die, my dad would have threatened to beat me to death for wailing so loud and refusing to get my butt back on that field.

It’s amazing that somebody who generally looks like me, sounds like me, is made out of me. . . . .can be so completely UN-LIKE me.

Thank goodness.

Trust me, it’s better this way.

Want to see what her noise looked like?

Yup, Shredded Barbeque Pork.

Kidding, kidding.  I’m such a horrible mother.  No I’m not, but I do have a strange sense of humor.

Anyway, my bloody noised kid loves this meal.

She’s a bit of a sandwich aficionado.  And this one she would describe as tender, sweet and juicy.

In other words, perfect.  With a capital P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

Try it, you’ll see.  That kid never lies.

Crockpot Barbeque Pulled Pork Sandwich


Pork loin (3 lbs works well, but mine was only 2 lb.)

Salt and Pepper
2 cloves of  garlic, minced
2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 c. water
4 T. vinegar (I used cider vinegar but white would do)
2 t. Worcestershire
1 – 18 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ Sauce (I like Sweet Baby Ray’s Honey Barbecue Sauce)
Sandwich buns
Pickles, dill slices


1. Season pork tenderloin with salt and pepper.  Place in crockpot.  Sprinkle with Chili Powder and Garlic.  Pour remaining ingredients of water, vinegar, and Worcestershire Sauce, and 3 TB of BBQ Sauce on top. 
2. Cover, and cook on high for 4 hours, or low for 7-8.

3. Remove meat from pot.  Pour the liquid into a small container, set aside.  Using 2 forks, shred the pork completely. 

Return the meat to the crockpot, add the remainder of the container of BBQ sauce and 2-4 TB of the reserved liquid.  Stir. Be careful not to add too much of the reserved cooking liquid or your sandwiches will be soggy. Return cover and cook or 30 minutes longer.
4. Place desired amount of meat on sandwich bun, top with pickles and Enjoy!

Try serving them with OVEN FRIES. Mmmmmmmm.

Have you entered my One Year Anniversary Giveaway for $20 CSN Store Gift Code?  You should. Ends 3/13/11.

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