Valentine’s Day Dinner at the Woo’s

I have a rule.  It cannot be broken, sidestepped, or circumnavigated.

Or there will be problems. 

And nobody wants Mama mad.

Really, I’m Mommy. But Mama sounds tougher.

And that rule is. . .

I do not under any circumstances make dinner for Valentine’s Day. 

This Day for all intensive purposes is for ME. Parajumpers Jacka Herr Not for my husband who has said on many occasions he could do without the holiday.  “Hey, how about you don’t buy me anything, and I don’t buy you anything.” he chuckles oh so many years ago.  Only one problem Mr. Woo, I WASN’T GOING TO BUY YOU ANYTHING, I was going to do something for you, and if you EVER you don’t do something for ME on Valentine’s Day, I will promptly take that as a sign that you don’t love me, and make your life a living nightmare for at least 3 days.  Sorry.  I’m immature that way.

It is also not for my children, who wake up early on Valentine’s Day to scream in delight as if Cupid has left gifts under the mistletoe. Parajumpers Sverige Which, he has.  No, it is not for those little jokers to run up and down the isles of the local convenience store deciding on which treats to buy for their teachers and friends and who ever else they can convince me deserves a special valentines treat. Which they do.

IT IS FOR ME.  Let me make this clear.  Only, for me.

So like the good husband Mr. Woo is he “made” me and his littlest Valentine’s dinner.  It was, delightful.

It included . . . .

Lobster Tails
Filet Mignon
Twice Baked Potatoes
and a Vegetable Medley
With a lovely Moscato (2010) and Orange Kool-aid ( 2011 ) to drink.

Oooh. And we had dessert too. Chocolate Cake. With a pretty little rose on top.

But the kids ripped into too fast. And I forgot to take a picture of it in its elegant state.

Because you know, us Woo’s are so elegant. . . .and classy.  That’s just how we roll.

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