Product Review – Jovial Einkorn Pasta

Something you don’t know about me.

I am a complete Prehistoric History Nut.

Love, love, love all things Caveman and Dinosaur Age.  Maybe that’s where my love of Halloween stems from.  Big headed hairy men with gigantic brown teeth. Super scary repitilian monsters.  My kind of party.

So, if you want to get me to eat something, tell me it dates back to Neolithic Period, and my mouth quite literally starts to water.  Tell me to try this pure, ancient species of wheat that was grown roughly12,000 years ago when man transitioned from hunter-gatherer to farming, and I’m all giddy inside.

The grain to which I refer, is called Einkorn, and it was found in  the belly of a Bronze Age man who was found preserved in a glacier in the Italian Alps. His last meal included  Ibex meat, roots, berries and Einkorn wheat.  All preserved perfectly in his stomach.

Fast forward to 2010, and we have a new Pasta popping up in stores under the Jovial brand. They use einkorn seeds to make this delicious, wholesome, pure, organic whole grain pasta.  The taste is slightly nutty, with a lovely firm and creamy texture.

Where Can You Find It?
It’s available at your local Whole Foods Store, independant natural food stores across the nation, and at Amazon.

The Cost?
To You: suggested retail price of $3.39 to $3.69 for a 12-oz box

For more information about Jovial Foods, their products, and great recipes go to

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If your looking for a great recipe to feed your kids this Halloween Night, or any night try out this lovely, FAST recipe from Jovial Foods, found here.

Whole Grain Einkorn Fusilli with Smooth and Smoky Tomato Sauce


8 ounces Whole Grain Einkorn Fusilli
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup minced onion
1/4 cup dry white wine
1-1/2 tablespoons smoked paprika
1 cup tomato puree
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup soft goat cheese
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook fusilli for 11 minutes and drain.
While pasta is cooking, heat olive oil in a large, deep-sided sauté pan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté for 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until onions are deep, caramel brown. Pour in wine and scrape up any bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. When the wine has evaporated, stir in the paprika.
Pour in tomato puree and vinegar. Add goat cheese and salt and stir until sauce has melted together. Reduce heat to maintain a low simmer and cook another 2 minutes. Toss with pasta, season with additional salt if desired and serve.

Serves 4
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