The Best (and easiest) Durn Tacos You’ve Ever Had

I’m an Army Brat.

I was born in Fort Knox, Kentucky and moved around quite a bit as a kid.  Among the many places I’ve lived, Germany and Hawaii were the most exotic. 

Well, that it is, until I came to Texas. My family moved here when I was 13, and this is where I’ve hung my hat ever since. I can sing the Yellow Rose of Texas with the best of them.  When I order tea, I want it sweet, and I’d never ask “you guys” to come to supper, only “y’all” will do.

And when I do invite y’all  for dinner, what might I serve? Probably the best durn Tacos you’ve ever had.  ‘Cause in Texas we don’t play around with our food.  We serve it big, we serve it hot, and we serve it ooohh sooooo good.

Come on over, to this beautiful place that I call home, where the air is hot, the hair is big, and the food is undeniably the best in the world.

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Once you try this recipe, I promise, you’ll never buy that packaged stuff again.  It’s so easy, inexpensive, and delicious, you may want to make a double recipe so you can eat it again tomorrow night.

 *For added heat, try adding 1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper or 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes.  The original recipe below has some bite, so add these sparingly.

Homemade Tacos

1 lb. Lean Turkey Meat (90/10) [or whatever meat you like]
2/3 cup water
Whole wheat Tortillas
tomatoes, diced
lettuce, chopped
cheese, grated
Sour Cream

For the seasoning:
2 TB Chili Powder
1 TB Flour
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. paprika
3 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt
2 tsp. black pepper

1. In a medium skillet, brown meat. Drain off fat.
2.While the meat is browning, in a small bowl, mix together chili powder, flour, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper (You won’t use all the seasoning for 1 lb of meat. You can store the remainder in a airtight container for later use).
3. Once the fat is drained from the meat, add 3 TB of above seasoning to the browned meat. Mix thoroughly and add 2/3 cup water.  Simmer meat until the mixture has cooked down, about 5 minutes.
4. Serve over warm tortillas, topped with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream.

Serves 5-6.

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