Pineapple Sage Smoothie and Open Faced Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/ Arugula and Tomato

 The Early Fruits of My Labor
I’m just trying to look on the bright side.

Yesterday, 5:55 am.

I sit on the computer mesmerized by the glow. Quiet house. Mind blossoms. Upstairs alarm clock rings. Light bulb in mind goes off. Oh, shoot. I forgot to wash Shelbi’s laundry. Hop up, toe gets stuck in chair cover, I go crashing head first onto the floor. Sigh. Look up. Darling daughter Shelbi looking down on me. Pitiful, pitiful sight. Are you okay, Mommy? Here let me help you up. I quickly wash 1 pair of pants, and one shirt. Decide to wash the rest later.

Fruit of my labor: She’ll watch after me when I’m old.

Today, 5:56 am.

I sit on the computer mesmerized by the glow. Quiet house. Mind sort of blossoming. Upstairs alarm clock rings. Eldest child walks down the stairs and into the study. “Mommy, did you wash my clothes?” Frig-it! “No, I didn’t. I’m sorry Shelbi.” “That’s okay,” she says sincerely, “I’ll do it.”

Fruits of my labor: One child knows how to wash clothes, and does not seem to mind if her mother is doing a half assed job.

Today, 7:52 am.

Notice bright shiny book lying on counter. Realize bright shiny book should be in 5 year old’s book bag. Remembering last time bright shiny book went missing we had to pay $9. Realizing I will need to cram another errand into the 4 minute time slot I have allotted.

Fruits of my labor: Child #2 can read. Parent #1 and Parent #2 can scrounge together 9 bucks from the aforementioned kid’s piggy bank without her even knowing it.

Today, 8:33 am.

Rushing out the door to go to Pre-K. Baby in the car. Pre-schooler kid uncharacteristically rushing behind me to get in car. Pre-schooler kid also uncharacteristically shuts door to the house. Good job, she never does that. Buckle pre-schooler kid into the seatbelt. Sit in driver’s seat to drive away. Realize keys are in locked house. Realize we are locked out of the house. Baby starts to cry. Mommy starts to tear up. Pre-schooler kid goes to garage refrigerator and gets a cold water and offers it to mommy.

Fruits of my labor: She shut the door, so no mosquitoes got in the house. She offered her mother a drink, albeit water, it showed some real compassion. Husband had previously plugged cell phone into car outlet (premonition I suppose), so I was able to call him to save us, and forgo sitting in my neighbor’s house in an uncomfortable silence.

These fruits are not necessarily the shiniest, and they are definately not bruise free. But they are sweet, and they are plentiful. The best damn fruit I’ve ever had.

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Here are some more fruits of my labor brought to you by my Vegetable Garden. I made these recipes using the Pineapple Sage and the Arugula from my garden. Enjoy!

Pineapple Sage Smoothie


1/3 cup low fat milk
¾ cup vanilla yogurt
1 banana
1 TB pineapple sage, chopped
1 tsp honey


Place ingredients into a blender, and process until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve.

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Open Faced Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/ Arugula and Tomato


Thick slice of French bread (Focaccia or any hearty bread would work nice also)
1 TB mayonnaise
1 Small Tomato, cut into ¼ inch slices
2 handfuls of arugula, washed and patted dry
1-2 slices of cheese (I used Provolone, but mozarella would also be nice)


1. Spread mayonnaise on bread, if desired.
2. Place bread on baking sheet.
3. Layer tomatoes, arugula, and cheese onto bread.
4. Place in broiler on High for 2 minutes or until cheese bubbles and begins to turn golden brown. Serve warm.

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7 thoughts on “Pineapple Sage Smoothie and Open Faced Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/ Arugula and Tomato

  1. Awww!! What a rough morning! You have lots of bright sides/fruits of your labor. I’m also impressed with the garage refrigerator — way to go you!

  2. Emily – I had provolone, it melted nicely and was ever so mild. Didn’t overwhelm the Arugula. Very nice. I think Mozarella would be nice too.

  3. Em –

    Roops! I forgot to add the cheese. What’s a grilled cheese sandwich without cheese, just a sandwich, I guess. There goes that half-assed thing again. Gotta work on that. Thanks for your stellar editing.

  4. There is nothing half-assed about you! You are the awesomeness. These beautiful recipes are a prime example.

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