Chore Chart

Magnetic Chore Chart

Aaaaaah this morning. I awoke to rain tapping on my window sill, the slow escape of the crescent moon as it tucked its weary face under the cover of the clouds, and the scamper of tiny little feet (and it wasn’t my kids). I walked into the kitchen to notice my charming husband sweeping the floor. “Wow” I thought, “this is gonna be a great friggin’ day!”

I should have known. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I saw him sweep.
“Hey,” he said smiling. “The ants are back.”

Okay Woodard Kids, this one is for you. Enough of the taco shells on the kitchen floor, couscous stuck to the seat of the chair, and that sticky grainy stuff that I can never wipe off the table. We are making a chore chart, and we are making it today! Shelbi to the floors! Bella clean the seats! And SOLEDAD CLEAN THAT CRAP OFF THE TABLE!!!!!”

Magnetic Chore Chart

What you need:

Large Magnetic dry erase board
Magnetic paper for printers
Decoupage Glue
Paint Brush
digital photos of your children
Microsoft Office Powerpoint

1.   Choose the digital pictures that you will be using for this project.  Pictures can be scanned or downloaded from your digital camera.

2.  Using PowerPoint (Microsoft), design the layout of your chore chart. On my chart, I designed a column for each child, with a square picture of them at the top. You can easily insert the appropriate pictures onto your Powerpoint Page by going to the tab at the top of the page labeled insert, then go to picture, from file, and insert the personal photo of your choice.
3.  Next design rectangles with the names of each chore inside of them.  For children who can not read, try inserting pictures or clip art as visual representations of the chores you would like them to do.
3. Design larger rectangles with the words “Chores to Do” and “Chores Complete”. 
4.  Assemble pictures, clip art and rectangles onto as few pages as possible, and print onto the magnetic sheets.
5.  Brush each picture and rectangle with decoupage glue, making sure to cover the entire surface. This will help to make the magnets smudge and water resistant.
6.  Once the glue is dry, cut out and arrange on magnetic board or on refrigerator.
7.  Get to work!!!!!!
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2 thoughts on “Chore Chart

  1. omg I was just thinking about this last night. After spending way too much time and energy night after night with virtually no help (ehem, husband where are you?) getting the girls through their nighttime routine. I was thinking we need to make a chart where they can track their own progress every night. I will do this! Niki Woo thank you!!

  2. Glad you could use it! My kids flocked to the chart like white on rice, they thought is was really cool. Now, to muster up the same enthusiam for the actual chore. . .hmmmmmmmm…

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