Thrift Store Sad Little Desk to Chic Little Teenage Vanity.



I’m running in a slight tizzy today.

The weather has turned colder (highs in mid 50’s. . .brrrrrrr) and I’m super charged to clean my house and get it nice and cozy for the winter like weather.

I love this time of year.  It really makes me want to gather up my loved ones in my arms, and sit around in a candle lit house and laugh and be merry.

So that’s what I’m up to today.

Cleaning windows for the Christmas lights that we will begin to adorn our house with next weekend (though we won’t turn them on until Thanksgiving night).

Making beds and cleaning sheets so little ones can get tucked in tight after listening to stories of silly little children in insidious tales.

And cooking up soup in my little kitchen, to fill my house with the aroma of spices sure to entice any visitor to stay a bit longer.

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I think I’m going to try conjuring up a Panera Copy Cat version of their Black Bean Soup today. With a Mediterranean vegetable sandwich.  I had both yesterday. . . .yum. I will try to post that later this week if it turns out as good as I know it will.

I also had a cup of their Autumn Squash Soup. ..sshhhhh. . . .don’t tell.

But before that. . . .

I’m working in Shelbi’s room, on her vanity.

She’s growing up. . .and she wanted a vanity to help her put on make-up (eek!) and paint her nails.

This is what it looked like before.  Pretty ugly. Which makes the transformation even better. Clearly anything I would have done would have been an improvement.  Desk price $3.75 Antique Vanity Chair.  . .  75 cents. Craziness, I know.




And this is what it looks like now. . .

Mostly white, with a bit of black and a touch of silver. . . .



I changed out the hardware ($10 . . . you can find these at Hobby Lobby)

And I ordered a piece of beveled glass to lay on top to protect the wood from lazy teenager nail polish remover q-tips and cotton balls.



And recovered the chair with fabric that I had around the house (but soon I’m changing it again because I’ve found the perfect chevron print)



And I lined the drawers with contact paper ( Dollar Tree $1)





Today I’m hoping to change the seat fabric to an oil cloth chevron pattern. And hang a lovely little canvas to tell her how much I love her everyday, since I’m pretty sure she doesn’t listen to me when I’m talking to her. I have a few more ideas for her vanity table top, but that will have to wait until next week.


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