Thrift Shop Makeover. . .From dated 70’s to Classic Chic: Spray Paint and 5 minute DIY Lampshade Ornament

Thrift Shop Lamp Refurbish

“So. Are we on the same page?” He said, smiling. Reassuring me.

“Yes. Which is the same page we’ve been on for the last 15 years. Your page.” I just sat there with a blank look on my face wanting to scream at him to “LISTEN!” but it wouldn’t have been any use. He can’t hear me when he thinks he’s being brilliant.

“WE are on the same page. But only. . .I don’t want to be on that page anymore.. . .”

And then all hell broke loose. Because I turned the page. I turned like 20 pages, and found myself on a whole other page in a whole other book. . . ..

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The topic is money, priorities and what I think it should be spent on.

Up until now (and when I say now I mean for the last 15 years of my life) I’ve been okay with mostly everything. But it’s not okay anymore. I want. I WANT.

And I’m willing to say “no.” to the children in order to get it.

I have big dreams for this little sweet house that we live in.

I’m ready to make it shine. Every time I walk into my home, I want to be so glad I’m back. I want the kids to have warm feelings about the smells and the sites in our house. For it to be like a warm blanket that wraps them up and nuzzles them into comfort each time they utter it a thought.

5 more years and my oldest will be in college.

With the other 3 quickly following behind.

Now is the time for me to show these girls how comforting life can be both in spirit and in hearth.

I don’t need a lot of money.

I don’t even need a lot of time.

I just need for everyone to get on board the Home Guru Train, and shut up about it.

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I’m not even kidding when I tell you I’ve been wanting to buy lamps for my girls room for the last SEVEN years but never got around to it because 1.)Lamps are hella expensive 2.)something else was always more pressing 3.) they just got night stands like a year ago, so before that there wouldn’t have been anything to sit a lamp on.

Anyway. . .

Recently, I’ve been feeling as tho’ God has been speaking to me  through the Thrift Shop.

“Come here,” he whispers.

“You could work magic on these, with things you already own. . .the world is your oyster if you just put in a little elbow grease. . . . .that pottery barn house is just waiting for you. . . .”

That is EXACTLY what God said.

And then his most high steered me over to the lamps at the back of the store where that looked sad and lopsided.

“Go on. . . .check out these lamps. They sure are ugly, but they could be amazing. . . .”

Thrift Shop Lamp_Before

I spent $4.50 on each. . .$9 total. Can’t beat that with a bat.

Painted the tarnished gold white. . . .

Refurbished lamp


Added two white lampshades. . . . (they were beige so I spray painted them white)


Tacked on flower fabric ornaments that I made out of an old sheer curtain. . . .

Just cut fabric into a thin strip. . .

bunched together like a fan. . . .

curtain ornament

secure in place with thread. . .

curtain ornament

fluff. . . . .

Curtain flower ornament

secure with pin and needle onto the lampshade.

Flower ornament on Lampshade

Voila. . . .


The most lovely, sophisticated, chic, girly lamps that very little money can buy.

Refurbished lamp

But totally worth the million dollars they look like I spent:)

Double Refurbished Lamp













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